Legitimate Businessman's Social Club / LBSC

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Trading

The Legitimate Businessman’s Social Club is a legal Syndication of people who enact within the law. The main activities are giving security to other business people and transportation of goods of any kind.

At the moment we are recruiting the supervising staff – we wait for your applications!


Funded in the 20th century by Marion Anthony D’Amico and William Williams the Legitimate Businessman’s Social Club is an organisation of honest businessman who do their honest jobs. The Syndication always seen a big value on privacy and confidentiality. The solidarity and cohesion has been a very special Value everssince.


Short Overview
Our Syndication can be seen as our family. As we see a big value in confidentiality, we only give information of our targets to the members of our family.

At the moment we are recruiting the supervising staff – we wait for your applications!
We are not exclusive and want you to have further contacts – especially to gather informations and business connections for the LBSC.
Glory and lots of money waiting for you if you are successful!

What we are

We are legitimate Businessmen who seek to succeed in their businesses.

whom we are really

We strive to get one of the biggest syndicates in SC. We are looking to build up profitable ways of semi-legal earning money without getting too much trouble with the UE-Police – so we can be seen as connection for the legal organizations to get their “dirty jobs” done by others.

what we offer to our members

In two words: MAFIA feeling – especially for those who get in early and become leaders of “the family” ;-)


There are some rules, that you should know, when you consider to send an application.

1.) The family will never forget you – so you better shouldn’t forget the family.
2.) The business of the family is confidential, as well as eventual alliances or treaties.
3.) If you give confidential information to non-family-players or betray the family will take care of you.
4.) Our businesses are always legitimate – we do not promote piracy or want to be seen as pirates.
5.) We always stay friendly and polite – becaus legitimate businessmen do so.
6.) When the head of the family comes to a decision, this decision is mostly always correct.