Legionnaire Enterprises / LEGIONENT

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Smuggling
  • Trading

Welcome to Legionnaire Enterprises! We’re your trusted name in discrete shipping. Feel free to browse, contact any of our members for price quotes or questions, or inquire about employment opportunities.


Although Legionnaire Enterprises is a popular no-questions-asked shipping solution now, we didn’t always start out that way. Legionnaire Enterprises started as a group of merchant marines in 2910 helping with the war effort. Through the merchant marines, we gained the skills that allow us to do our jobs so well, but all chapters must come to an end. The group quit military work and formed the company we know today.

[IRL]: We’re just a humble group of gamers looking to have a good time in Star Citizen. Join if you want to have fun smuggling and shipping, or if you want to run escort.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


We at Legionnaire Enterprises are dedicated to providing the best, most reliable, transport services, to any client, regardless of cargo. To best serve our customers, these are the laws we live by. The type and severity of punishments for not following these rules are at the discretion of Directors and Board Members.

-All major decisions made on the behalf of the company must be approved by a board member.
-Fighting between employees is prohibited. This includes both verbal disagreements and in-game fighting. The exception to this rule is if the fight is light-spirited, for fun, and consensual for parties involved, or if the fight is sanctioned by a Director or Board Member.
-All employees are expected to be respectful.
-We will ship any and all cargo… for a price.
-Be respectful to customers.
-Absolutely no racism or bigotry.
-Upper ranking members must be active primarily in this company.
-No gore or NSFW in company coms, unless the channel is specifically designated for that purpose.