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Limit / LIMIT

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Resources

All Limits are self imposed.


In the beginning, it all started with a vision, connecting like-minded individuals toward the common purpose of bringing civilization to the furthest reaches of the verse. Limitless Exploration Organization (LEO) started as a small exploratory team, tracking down hospitable planets and selling the coordinates to drive the next great expedition. As success after success was met, the scope and scale of operations grew. Thus did it continue for many years until in 2948, a terrible tragedy struck. The death of the first council to pirates struck a deep blow at the very center of the organization. Scattered, with no resources to speak of, it seemed as though LEO was doomed to the annals of history. Until three brothers, sons of the founder, came together combining what little was left of their inheritance after the ravagings of the pirates to buy their first ship. The cycle begins anew. In 2950, renaming themselves in a modern style while still paying tribute to their father, LIMIT is now home to many intrepid adventurers seeking to experience all the verse has to offer. Working together, we will explore new worlds, forge new alliances, build new homes, and defend ourselves from any who would do us harm.


LIMIT Manifesto

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for people of diversity to unite under a common banner, serving one another to the betterment of all, that assembly, newly formed, requires a declaration of that which impels them toward and ensures them of their unification, further defining the structure and composition of the whole.

Our union is one of complexity, with multiple voices representing multiple views of how to approach our conquest of the stars, as is the case with many such organizations. For such a group to be successful, there must be a process through which its constituent, vying parts can find a voice and best practices can be developed for the community as a whole. In LIMIT, we smelt opposing ideas, melting away the impurities, pulling ideas of the highest quality from the base material; forge those ideas through careful deliberation, shaping complex ideas into effective policy; and temper those policies through unity, forcing dissonance to give way to resonance, each piece adding to, rather than subtracting from, the whole. Through this process, we are able to foster and maintain a community that has more than a singular focus on the betterment of the whole.

Though our goals are broad in scope, as we seek to instill all the elements of a strong organization, we are still, at heart, a community living on the bleeding edge of content. While we take a casual approach, allowing our members to determine their own priorities, we must come together to work on these mutual goals that will require the best of each of us. First, while individual motivations may differ as we begin our exploration of the stars, all members must share two goals, enjoyment and progression. If one should have a singular focus on either one to the exclusion of the other, that person does not, perhaps, fit the mold for LIMIT. Second, lists of specific cultural expectations can and should be reviewed by all aspiring members; however, one set of requirements stands out above all others — members must be willing to learn, regardless of experience, and must be patient with those who are in the process of learning – Be Kind.

Our reputation as an honorable organization is of the utmost importance. As it is important to maintain positive relations within the organization, so too is it equally important to maintain positive relations with the wider community; therefore, all members will adhere to our Play Policies. Any action that breaks with the Play Policies will be addressed by Command and may result in removal.

With these intentions, expectations, and philosophies firmly at the heart of our motivation, guiding our path, we, the members of LIMIT, mutually pledge to each other, on pain of banishment, to uphold the ideals, values, and regulations of LIMIT.


LIMIT Charter

Players are subject to these supplementary rules while tagged with . While by no means an all-inclusive list of expectations, it provides a suitable foundation by which a player can determine what activities are appropriate:

1. You may not sabotage your allies.

While piracy and some foul play is expected in this universe, betrayal of your friends and allies goes beyond the pale of what is acceptable. Deal fairly with your allies.

2. You must comply with arbitration.

There are cases where two or more allied groups wish to complete competing objectives. In these cases, the groups are required to compromise. If an equitable compromise cannot be reached between the players prior to Command’s involvement, the officer will mandate a compromise.

Please do your best to use courtesy and common sense when interacting with your allies.

3. Foul language is not permitted, in any language.

Excessive use of foul language in an inappropriate context such as real-world racial slurs, language designed to hurt, or any other language not conforming to accepted standards of morality will be considered a violation. The existence of a chat filter is not a license to be a bigoted asshole. Fucker.

4. You may not harass others.

Harassment is defined as specifically targeting another player or group of players to harm or inconvenience them beyond the normal expectations of play. As harassment can take many forms, the officer involved will make a determination as to whether or not a “reasonable person” would feel harassed and act accordingly.

The following out-of-game actions would also be considered Harassment:

Hate Mongering – participation in or propagation of hate literature, behavior, or propaganda related to a group or specific individual.

Sexual Abuse or Harassment – untoward and/or unwelcome advances of a graphic and sexual nature. This includes, but is not limited to, virtual rape, overt sexual overtures, and stalking of a sexual nature.

Implying favoritism – implying that officers will show favor towards one or more parties involved in any given situation. This includes, but is not limited to, using threats of retribution, inferring that you will not be held accountable for your actions due to special consideration, or any other situation where good standing with the leadership is leveraged to gain advantage over other members..

Note: This list is not all-inclusive. Other actions may be determined as abuse at the discretion of Command.

5. You may not defraud other players and must protect your account.

Fraud is defined as falsely representing one’s intentions to make a gain at another’s expense. Examples of this activity include, but are not limited to, using deception to deprive another player of items, slandering another player or impersonating them with the intention of causing harm to that player’s reputation, or falsely representing one’s identity in order to gain access to another player’s account or account information.

This is not permission to not watch out for yourself during interactions with players. Players may still scam or defraud you. It is your responsibility to protect yourself. It is in your best interest to be wary of other players.

You are responsible for the people you let into your account. Do not share account information if you are not ready to deal with the consequences of someone else’s actions.

6. “Role-playing” does not grant license to violate these rules.

Though Star Citizen is a role-playing game, the claim of “role-play” will not be accepted in defense of any of the anti-social behaviors mentioned above. We allow role-playing, but cannot allow it to be done at the expense of others.