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Longship / LONGSHIP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Security
    Security the ancient Norse depended on their Longships …we put trust into our ships today. For we are all warriors and adventurers here! We are mercenaries, merchants, and explorers with the skills needed to face the cold and forbidding threats of space. We seek our fortune and protect what’s ours!


“The Longship, the vessel of choice for the ancient Norse. The Longship of the Vikings struck fear into their enemies. The Longship carried the Norse through uncharted waters to find new lands and riches. The Longship carried goods to foreign lands for trade and carried plunder and riches back home. And as the ancient Norse depended on their Longships to achieve their wealth and glory we put the same trust into our ships today. For we are all warriors and adventurers here! We are mercenaries, merchants, and explorers with the skills needed to face the cold and forbidding threats of space. We seek our fortune and protect what’s ours!”

Spoken by Brandr to his friends and companions at the founding of the Longship Corporation.


Longship Corporation is a loose federation of Opportunists and Explorers.

To explore and reap the harvest of the opportunities around us!

“ We seek our fortune and protect what’s ours!”

- Loyalty to the Corporation above all else. Betrayal is punishable by death.
(We may have different missions and roles in the verse, but we are brothers & sisters.)

- When you find a fellow member in an emergency, you help them without question or expectation of recompense.

- Our word is our bond! Unless there is an extenuating circumstance you ALWAYS deliver on your goods.
(can’t have a good reputation if we are seen as liars and thieves.)

- We finish our fights, not start them!
(We will not attack innocent civilian ships. But if they start one, we will finish it.)

- We are “loyal” to the UEE.
(Unless, you find it more profitable not to be. If you get caught you will be “officially” kicked out (unofficially, your profile will just be hidden) of our corporation. After all, it’s good to maintain our persona of high standards to the UEE citizenry.)



Inspired by Norse Parables whose messages are still relevant to modern voyages, trials, and adventures!

1. “One’s back is vulnerable, unless one has a brother.”

First and foremost is our commitment to each other. We work together, we trade together, we protect each other, we die for each other.

2. “To be without silver is better than to be without honour.”

Reputation is very important for individuals and organizations. Reputation is even more important for Corporations who must earn the trust of others business in trade and services. Any threat to the corporation’s reputation shall be dealt with swiftly.

3. “From his weapons on the open road, no man should step one pace away.”

Never leave without weapons close by. We are more than just merchants, explorers, and mercenaries for hire…. we are all warriors. You must learn to fight both on land and in space to be a part of this team. Our safety and our reputation depends on it.

4. “Generous and brave men live the best.”

We are here for fun and adventure. Make the most of it!

5. “It is best to search while the trail is new.”

We don’t waste time. When we take a contract we follow through. When there is a chance for adventure we go forth!

6. “Fear the reckoning of those you have wronged.”

7. “Two heads cut off and thrown high into the tree have only the winds with which to scheme.”

8. “A cleaved head no longer plots.”

9. “Cattle die, kinsmen die; the self must also die. I know one thing which never dies: the reputation of each dead man.”

Again, always keep in mind what broader ramifications your actions have. Thanks!