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The Lost MC / LOSTCO

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

The Almighty forgives, The Lost don’t.


In the early days of space exploration, humanity’s reach into the cosmos was marked by both tremendous opportunity and daunting challenges. As corporations and governments vied for control over new frontiers, a group of free-spirited adventurers and rugged individualists began to form a unique brotherhood. These pioneers, disillusioned with the constraints of traditional society and driven by a desire for freedom and autonomy, came together to create what would eventually become The Lost MC.
The Founding Era:
The origins of The Lost MC trace back to a group of maverick pilots and explorers who operated on the fringes of known space. United by a shared disdain for the oppressive regulations and exploitative practices of major spacefaring entities, they decided to band together for mutual protection and support. The founding members were a diverse mix of ex-military personnel, former mercenaries, rogue traders, and idealistic rebels, all brought together by their common values of loyalty, courage, and a relentless pursuit of freedom.
The initial gatherings were informal, held in hidden outposts and remote asteroid bases. Over time, these meetings became more structured, and the group adopted the name “The Lost MC” to symbolize their voluntary exile from the established order and their commitment to a new way of life.
The Code of The Lost:
As the group grew, it became clear that they needed a guiding set of principles to maintain cohesion and purpose. Thus, the Code of The Lost was born. This code emphasized honor, loyalty, respect, and a fierce independence, serving as both a moral compass and a practical guide for the group’s activities. The motto “Lost Forever, Forever Lost” encapsulated their ethos, reflecting their permanent departure from conventional society and their unwavering dedication to their new path.
Expansion and Influence:
The Lost MC quickly gained a reputation throughout the galaxy. Their skill in navigating the dangers of uncharted space, coupled with their strict adherence to their code, earned them both allies and enemies. They became known for their daring exploits, from rescuing stranded colonists to defending vulnerable settlements from pirate raids. Their willingness to stand up against tyranny and protect the weak endeared them to many, while their uncompromising nature and readiness to exact retribution against those who crossed them kept adversaries at bay.
During this period of expansion, The Lost MC established several key outposts and safe havens across different star systems. These bases served as rallying points for members, offering sanctuary and resources for those in need. The group’s ranks swelled as like-minded individuals, inspired by their mission and camaraderie, sought to join their cause.
Trials and Tribulations:
However, the journey was far from smooth. The Lost MC faced numerous challenges, including skirmishes with corporate security forces, betrayal from within their ranks, and the ever-present hazards of deep space. Despite these setbacks, their strong sense of brotherhood and adherence to their code saw them through. Each trial they faced only strengthened their resolve and solidified their reputation as a formidable and honorable force in the galaxy.
The Modern Era:
Today, The Lost MC continues to thrive as a beacon of resistance against oppression and a haven for those who seek a life of freedom and adventure among the stars. Their legacy is one of resilience, courage, and unwavering dedication to their principles. The current generation of Lost MC members carries forward the traditions and values established by their predecessors, always ready to face new challenges and forge new paths in the ever-expanding universe of Star Citizen.
As they continue their journey, The Lost MC remains a testament to the enduring spirit of independence and the power of a united brotherhood. Their story is far from over, and with each new member who takes the oath and joins their ranks, The Lost MC’s saga of adventure, defiance, and camaraderie grows ever richer.


The Lost MC: A Star Citizen Club Manifesto
Organization Name: The Lost MC
Motto: “Lost Forever, Forever Lost”
Tagline: “The Almighty forgives, The Lost Don’t”

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where the void is both a frontier and a refuge, we stand as The Lost MC — a brotherhood forged in the fires of defiance and bound by an unbreakable code. Our journey through the stars is guided by principles that define who we are, what we believe, and how we act. This manifesto is our declaration to the universe, an unwavering statement of our beliefs, our purpose, and our commitment to each other and to the ideals we hold sacred.

I. Freedom Above All
We reject the chains of oppression and the yoke of tyranny. In the cold reaches of space, we have found the ultimate freedom — to chart our own course, to make our own rules, and to live by our own code. Our lives are our own, and we will defend our autonomy with unwavering resolve. We are Lost Forever, Forever Lost, because we have chosen this path, and we will not be swayed.

II. Brotherhood and Unity
Our strength lies in our unity. We are not just individuals; we are a family. Our bonds are forged through shared trials, mutual respect, and an unbreakable trust. We support each other, we protect each other, and we stand together against all adversities. The brotherhood of The Lost MC is sacred, and it is our duty to uphold and honor these bonds.

III. Honor and Integrity
In a universe rife with chaos and corruption, we stand as a beacon of integrity. Our code is our compass, guiding us with principles of honor, loyalty, and respect. We do not act out of greed or malice but out of a steadfast commitment to what is right. We hold ourselves to the highest standards, knowing that our actions reflect on our entire brotherhood.

IV. Courage and Resilience
We face the unknown with courage and determination. The void is a harsh and unforgiving place, but we do not flinch in the face of danger. We embrace challenges as opportunities to prove our mettle and to grow stronger. Adversity does not break us; it fortifies our resolve. We ride eternal, driven by a relentless spirit that refuses to be subdued.

V. Justice and Retribution
We stand against tyranny, corruption, and injustice wherever we encounter it. Our retribution is swift and decisive; those who wrong us or threaten the innocent will find no mercy. The Almighty forgives, The Lost Don’t. We are the arbiters of our own justice, and we will not hesitate to do what must be done to uphold our principles.

VI. Independence and Self-Reliance
We carve our own path through the stars, relying on our skills, our resourcefulness, and our brotherhood. We do not seek the approval or support of external powers. Our independence is our strength, and our self-reliance is our creed. We forge our own destiny, unbound by the constraints of conventional society.

VII. Legacy and Inspiration
Our actions today shape the legacy we leave for tomorrow. We strive to inspire future generations to rise up, to fight for their freedom, and to embrace the spirit of The Lost MC. Our legacy is one of defiance, courage, and unwavering commitment to our code. We will be remembered not just for our deeds, but for the principles we lived by and the brotherhood we embodied.

This is our manifesto — a testament to who we are and what we stand for. The Lost MC is more than a club; it is a way of life. We are united by our code, driven by our mission, and bound by our brotherhood. Together, we journey through the cosmos, carving our own path and leaving our mark on the universe. We are The Lost MC, and we are Lost Forever, Forever Lost.


The Lost MC: A Star Citizen Club Charter
Organization Name: The Lost MC
Motto: “Lost Forever, Forever Lost”
Tagline: “The Almighty forgives, The Lost Don’t”

This charter outlines the rules and principles that all members of The Lost MC shall abide by. It is a public declaration of our commitments and a framework for maintaining the integrity, unity, and ruthlessness of our brotherhood. By adhering to these rules, we ensure that our actions reflect the values and ideals that define The Lost MC.

Article I: Membership
Eligibility: Membership is open to individuals who demonstrate a commitment to the values and principles of The Lost MC. All potential members must undergo a rigorous probationary period during which their loyalty and adherence to the code are ruthlessly evaluated.

Induction: New members must be sponsored by an existing member and approved by the Council of Elders. Induction ceremonies will be conducted to formally welcome new members into the brotherhood, symbolizing their total commitment to the club.

Conduct: Members are expected to conduct themselves with unwavering loyalty. Any actions that bring disrepute to The Lost MC will be met with severe disciplinary measures, including expulsion and, if necessary, retribution.

Article II: Code of Conduct
Honor Among Thieves: While the galaxy may see us as outlaws, we maintain a strict code of conduct within our ranks. Deception and betrayal among our own are strictly prohibited and will be ruthlessly punished. Trust within the brotherhood is sacred and non-negotiable.

Criminal Integrity: Our word is our bond. Deals made in the name of The Lost MC must be honored without fail. Double-crossing, breaking agreements, or acting without authorization will result in severe consequences. In our world, reputation is everything, and we protect ours fiercely.

Loyalty: Members must show unwavering loyalty to The Lost MC and their fellow brothers and sisters. Acts of treason or collaboration with enemies are grounds for immediate and severe retribution.

Respect: Members shall treat each other with respect and dignity, fostering an environment of mutual support and camaraderie. Discrimination, harassment, and bullying are not tolerated and will be dealt with harshly.

Article III: Chain of Command
Hierarchy: The Lost MC operates under a clear and unyielding chain of command. Members must respect the authority of their leaders and follow orders without question, trusting in the wisdom and experience of those appointed to lead.

Leadership: Leaders are expected to act with fairness, wisdom, and integrity, setting a ruthless example for all members. Abuse of power and favoritism are strictly forbidden and will be met with severe consequences.

Promotion: Promotions within The Lost MC are based on merit, dedication, and ruthless adherence to the code. Opportunities for advancement are available to all who prove themselves worthy through their actions and loyalty.

Article IV: Mission and Operations
Objectives: The primary objectives of The Lost MC are to explore the cosmos, uphold the principles of our code, and ruthlessly stand against tyranny. All operations must align with these objectives.

Engagement: Members are expected to participate actively in club missions, events, and activities. Collaboration and teamwork are essential, and failure to engage will not be tolerated.

Retribution: The Lost MC does not forgive or forget those who wrong us. Members must be prepared to exact justice swiftly and ruthlessly, always acting within the bounds of our code.

Article V: Disciplinary Measures
Violations: Any member found in violation of this charter will be subject to severe disciplinary action. The severity of the punishment will depend on the nature of the violation and may range from a formal warning to expulsion and, if necessary, retribution.

Council of Elders: The Council of Elders is responsible for adjudicating disputes and determining appropriate disciplinary measures. Their decisions are final, binding, and ruthlessly enforced.

Appeals: Members have the right to appeal disciplinary decisions. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Council of Elders within 14 days of the decision and will be reviewed with ruthless scrutiny.

Article VI: Amendments
Proposals: Amendments to this charter may be proposed by any member in good standing. Proposals must be submitted in writing to the Council of Elders for consideration.

Approval: Amendments require a two-thirds majority vote of the Council of Elders to be adopted. Once approved, amendments become immediately effective and binding.

This charter is the foundation of The Lost MC, guiding our actions and ensuring that we remain true to our values and principles with ruthless efficiency. By adhering to these rules, we maintain the integrity and unity of our brotherhood, enabling us to navigate the cosmos with honor, courage, and unwavering resolve. We are The Lost MC, and this is our commitment to each other and to the universe.