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Ming Enterprise Holdings / M3H

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Smuggling

Ming Enterprise Holdings Inc is an independent trading firm of entrepreneurial individuals providing all kinds services to all kinds of clients. In particular we are looking to establish links with the Xi’an beyond the UEE’s HuXa agreement, providing alien tech to discerning, wealthy customers.


Founded in 2796, the parent company of Ming Enterprise Holdings has always been family owned and operated.

Through an endless series of mergers and acquisitions, spin-outs and side-projects, the MEH family has changed beyond recognition in that time. The amorphous body of traders, hauliers and other enterprising souls shifts constantly but as long as money flows and the Ming name is upheld very little really has changed over the years.

MEH has always taken an open-minded approach to alien races and were early adopters of the Banu trade routes. They have been cautiously in favour of the HuXa agreement but feel that the terms are too restrictive.


Ming Enterprise Holdings are looking for solo pilots and small crews interested in working with a wider group of like-minded citizens. We are a commercial operation with a strong interest in Human-Xi’an relations. We work across a number roles within Star Citizen but they have been broadly grouped into two divisions:

  • Xi’an Cultural Services – We are very interested in building bridges with the Xi’an lines and provide cultural and linguistic advisory services for human clients. This division will have elements of exploration and intelligence gathering but will primarily be a consultancy for Xi’an language and customs. We are looking to develop contacts within the Xi’an lines and hope to be non-governmental intermediaries for other human organisations.
  • Trading & Finance – Perhaps not as noble as inter-species cooperation but it keeps the lights on. Work includes: priority/hazardous orders, escorted bulk orders, discrete delivery, information and intelligence work, cargo laundering commodity speculation, and hosting a direct player-to-player marketplace. We’re looking for players interested in a share of larger missions when it suits them rather than being a strictly managed operation. Signing up will mean you’re offered work rather than summoned to duty.
  • Long term mission – Ultimately the two divisions of MEH are working towards the same goal: to build up sufficient organisation funds and contacts to develop an inter-species trading outpost – with sufficient warehouse and hospitality space for members to conduct business with guests, store resources for commodities speculation and serve as a base cultural integration.

To be clear while we might provide services for unsavoury characters on occasion we are NOT an outlaw operation. We are looking for those with good reputations and clean records – we operate non-violently in UEE and Xi’an space and are looking to develop a trustworthy corporate brand.

The level of involvement is up to you, all jobs will be advertised to all members – the more work you take on the more credits we all make. More active members will be promoted to key positions in the company.

If you’re looking for a social group doing a bit of everything with some light role-play on the cultural services and mutual support for trading sign then right up!


Be nice – We’re all professionals, not a bunch of pirates. We don’t need drama, abuse or grief in the org.

Communicate – If you hear of a job or an opportunity you can’t handle (or need a hand with), let the rest of us know. That’s the whole point of the group.

Pay fair, pay prompt – No-one goes back to a skinflint for more work, we want a reputation as a reliable outfit. If you offer colleagues a share of a bigger job, make sure their share is reasonable.

Contribute to the plan – We want a trading post to call our own, and they aren’t cheap. Bigger jobs might well come with an “M3H Share” to pay for this so don’t grumble when you see it.

Don’t snitch – Not everything we do is strictly legal, doesn’t mean you need to report your colleagues to the UEE.