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Malney Brothers Industries. / MBINCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Trading

Malney Brothers Incorporated are here to focus on all your Industrial & Trading needs. We have three pillars, Trading, Mining & Protection. Industry is in our blood, we create weekly tailored group content & take any player from brand new to veteran.


Two Brothers who have played MMOs for years have now moved onto Star citizen. we will make this corporation into a thriving, content rich and enjoyable environment to be in. with our past experience with games and running guilds, corporations etc. After expanding over time our most active and helpful member then joined us as Admiral to make us a group of 3.

Malney Brother Industries has grown from humble beginnings to a larger org with incredible active members which make us what we are. we continue to expand and evolve as star citizen grows as a game to provide the content our members strive for.

If you have decided to join us we operate out of a Discord server. This is our own space for all our members and we have Structure, Voice Channels, Text channels for all star citizen topics, our events are coordinated out of here and much more. Unlike other Discord servers we have seen, this server is for our Star citizen corporation only no other games sections or mixed topics.

Please check out our manifesto & Charter for our amazing goals for our Organisation and our rules for our members.

Equally you can check out:

or if you want in request to join here at RSI and then press the link below to enter our Discord server.

Press to join our Discord


Welcome to Malney Brother Industries. here at MB Industrial activities is the heart and soul of our organisation. All of our groups and career paths are designed to work and coordinate together around this. The whole reason we join orgs is to game with others right? to play the larger side of the game loops, the more coordinated side of the game and just experience the extra fun achievable right? The content that’s created by the org that isn’t part of the game loops. Racing, Attack and defend team events, Protect convoys team events and much much more.

Our Selectable roles within the org and what they mean are:



Mining. – Using either ground miners or ship miners to mine asteroids, gems & rocks.

Refining. – Assisting miners using refining ships to shadow them and refine on site the materials they gather and transfer them to our cargo haulers when refined. Be in control of the refining on our capital Mining/refining ship the Orion.

Salvage. – Breaking down shipwrecks and gathering in the materials.

Construction. – Building planet side bases and being part of the construction ships crew.

Manufacturing. – making materials, products & ammo etc to assist and help keep the org stocked up.



Cargo Hauling. – Hauling cargo and learning the ins and outs and ups and down of the way the market works to make profit. loading and unloading cargo ships.

Medical. – Supporting our org with medical assistance.

Refuelling. – supporting our org with refuelling and being utilised in our large fleets in the future.

Personnel transport. – transporting members round the verse as required and AI.

Maintenance. – using repair ships to keep us flying or assisting after combat.

Engineering. – being one of the most vital parts of a large ships crew and keeping power to systems that require it and diverting power round the ship. In fights to keep shields up, weapons firing and repairing damaged components.



Exploration. – Exploring the universe and finding areas of interest for our org.

Surveyor. – scouting out mineables for the miners and salvageable wrecks for our salvagers. working out atmospheres in these areas and what kind of armours we may need to go to these locations.

Farming. – providing us with food and water for our corp, hopefully eventually at our own corp base.

Data Specialist. – Hacking systems to find data for high value asteroid belts, keeping comm arrays up when we are in these areas. Data running for the org.



Ground – Protecting ground bases and part of any ground ops required for the org. utilised alongside security if extra people needed (see security description for info)

Airborne – In control of ships protecting org fleets/operations when required.

Security – Turret gunners on ships, and to repel boarding parties.


We have a wide array of roles and professions for our members and strive to create content for all these roles. when the game is more complete in the future we will create massive fleet events bringing as many of the professions together as viable. Creating huge game loops of Mining, refining, cargo haulers, support craft (refuelers, repair,), medics, protection, security all into one consistent coordinated event, as well as specifically tailored smaller events for peoples career of choice.

We strive to create a relaxed fun and engaging experience here with no drama. we understand the importance of our members and you are/will be what makes this corporation successful and able to achieve the enjoyable goals we strive for.

We hope our orgs goals and structure creates excitement and that you join up and make us an even better place to be. After requesting to join here come along to our Discord which the whole org operates out of.

Press here to join our Discord


Malney Brother Industries Rules

We operate our org out of a Discord Server which has multiple text channels, voice channels, helpful links for beginners, for specific professions and more. Please see our rules below with some of them being specific to our discord server. ( Join our Discord here )

No Spamming (Discord)
Do not spam any channel. This includes emojis, gifs, reactions, server invites, self-promotion, etc. In voice channels, do not blast music or loudly yell to annoy people. Do not spam-create Threads.

No Politics
Do not engage in political discussion. This includes political debates, and any discussion involving real-world policy, controversy, race, gender/sexuality, weapons, war, disease, nationality, religion, and/or ethnicity.

Be Civil
Do not be toxic to another person – remember they’re human. Do not antagonize an individual because of a disagreement, or incite an argument for no reason. If you get into a disagreement, do not participate in personal attacks i.e. make sure to debate against the opinion, not the individual.

Do not post media or engage in discussion that contains explicit content in any channel. For all intents and purposes, keep chat PG-13.

Use Correct Channels (Discord)
Please stick to the correct channels. We understand that conversation flow is important, however this is important to maintain organization in the server.

Event Attendance (Discord)
There is no requirements to have to turn up to events or minimum game time. Use the interested button under the event if you plan on coming, please don’t use it to say you like the event or might come. If after pressing interested something comes up then untick as soon as you can. This helps management with planning and coordinating equipment and vehicle’s required and in the rare case of limited spaces gives others an opportunity.

Gaining Xp in Discord
If people abuse the Xp gains from engaging in the corporation chat solely for levelling up by means of spamming chat etc their experience and levels will be reset to be gained the correct way. if it persists it will be dealt with at managements discretion.

Pinging In Servers (Discord)
Do not use the @everyone ping in the server we have created certain pingable roles for certain topics. these are listed in discord rules channel.