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Forged in the stars, feared in the void:
M.C.R.N Marauders, the galaxy’s ultimate outlaws.


The Fall of M.C.R.N

In the late 30th century, Mars Marine Force Recon M.M.F.R was an elite unit within the Martian Congressional Republic Navy (M.C.R.N.), renowned for executing high-risk, covert missions. The unit was deeply involved in operations that were often morally ambiguous, including espionage, sabotage, and other black ops.

The Turning Point
As the political landscape of the Martian Congressional Republic became increasingly unstable, the M.M.F.R was tasked with increasingly dubious operations. Their missions, though initially intended to safeguard Martian interests, increasingly involved actions that crossed ethical lines, including extrajudicial killings and illegal interrogations. The unit’s leadership, under pressure from political and military officials, was forced to carry out these orders, leading to growing dissent within the ranks.

Termination and Betrayal
Eventually, the political tides turned, and the Martian Congressional Republic faced mounting scrutiny for its covert actions. The government, seeking to distance itself from these controversial operations, made the drastic decision to disband the M.M.F.R In a shocking move, the former elite soldiers were not only discharged but also framed for the very crimes they had been ordered to commit. Labeled as rogue operatives and accused of war crimes, they became fugitives.

Flight to the Stanton System
Desperate and betrayed, the disbanded M.M.F.R operatives fled to the Stanton system, hoping to evade capture. There, they used their extensive training and knowledge of covert operations to establish themselves as pirates. They adapted their skills to a new environment, leveraging their military experience to become formidable and elusive criminals.

In the Stanton system, the former Special Forces soldiers gained a reputation for their efficiency and ruthlessness. They orchestrated successful raids and built a network of contacts in the underworld, securing their position as prominent figures in the pirate community. Their past as elite soldiers enabled them to outmaneuver law enforcement and rival groups, maintaining their freedom while pursuing their own agenda in the lawless fringes of the system.

The legacy of the Mars Marine Force Recon lives on in their transformation from honorable soldiers to outlaws, reflecting the harsh realities of political betrayal and the struggle for survival in a universe where alliances are constantly shifting.

They Became the M.C.R.N Marauders.


Manifesto of the MCRN Marauders


We, the MCRN Marauders, once loyal soldiers of the Martian Congressional Republic Navy, now stand united in defiance of the betrayal that led us to the fringes of the Stanton system. We declare our manifesto as a testament to our past, our struggle, and our vision for the future.

I. Acknowledgment of Betrayal

1.Recognition of Our Service**: We acknowledge our dedication and sacrifice as elite operatives in the MCRN. We executed our missions with honor, upholding the principles of duty and discipline.

2. Exposure of Deception: We condemn the Martian Congressional Republic for using us as pawns in their schemes, only to abandon and betray us when their actions became untenable. Our betrayal was not of our own making but a consequence of their treachery.

II. Embrace of New Identity

1. Reclaiming Our Destiny: As outcasts, we reject the labels of traitors and criminals imposed upon us. We reclaim our identity as the Marauders, forging our path beyond the constraints of our former lives.

2. Unity and Loyalty: We are bound by a shared past and a common cause. Our loyalty now lies with each other, our new family, as we navigate the uncertain frontier of the Stanton system.

III. Principles of the Marauders

1. Survival and Sovereignty: We embrace piracy as a means to secure our survival and independence. We will carve out our place in the cosmos through strength, cunning, and resilience.

2. Respect and Justice: We pledge to uphold a code of respect and justice among our ranks. Betrayal, cruelty, and exploitation within our crew will be met with swift and decisive action.

3. Strategic Engagement: We will engage in piracy with strategic precision, targeting those who have wronged us or stand in our way. Our actions will be calculated, aiming for maximum gain with minimal unnecessary conflict.

IV. Relations with Others

1. Diplomacy and Alliances: While our primary focus is our own survival and success, we will engage in diplomacy and form strategic alliances as needed. We seek mutual benefit with those who respect our sovereignty and contribute to our goals.

2. Code of Conduct: We will honor agreements and treaties with allies and neutral parties. Discretion and professionalism will guide our interactions to maintain our credibility and security.

V. Vision for the Future

1. Legacy and Influence: We aim to establish a lasting presence in the Stanton system, influencing the balance of power and forging a new legacy as the Marauders. Our actions will shape the future and set new standards for those who come after us.

2. Freedom and Autonomy: Our ultimate goal is to secure a realm where we and those who join us can live free from the tyranny and betrayal that defined our past. We seek a future where our strength and unity ensure our independence and prosperity.


In the face of betrayal, we the MCRN Marauders have forged a new destiny for ourselves. Bound by our shared experiences and driven by a desire for justice and freedom, we declare our manifesto as a guiding beacon. We will navigate the cosmos with resolve, crafting our fate and establishing our place in the annals of history.


Charter of the M.C.R.N Marauders


We, the M.C.R.N Marauders, bound by the void and united by our shared code, establish this Charter to guide our conduct and ensure our survival. In the pursuit of our freedom and fortune, we vow to uphold principles of respect, honour among thieves, and mutual benefit.

Article I: Code of Conduct

1. Respect Among Crew: All members shall treat each other with respect. Disputes shall be resolved through discussion or arbitration by the appointed Quartermaster.

2. Equal Shares: Loot shall be divided equally among the crew. No member shall claim more than their rightful share unless agreed upon by a majority vote.

3. No Betrayal: Betrayal of the crew or breaking the Charter is punishable by banishment or death. Honor and loyalty are paramount.

Article II: Operational Guidelines

1. No Unprovoked Aggression: Attacks on civilian vessels or non-combatants are forbidden. Piracy is only justified against targets that pose a threat or offer substantial reward.

2. Tactical Discretion: Engage in battle with strategic advantage. Avoid unnecessary casualties and damage to ensure continued operations.

3. Safe Havens: Respect the territories and laws of neutral parties. Seek safe havens for repairs and resupply with diplomacy rather than force.

Article III: Decision-Making

1. Democratic Governance: Major decisions affecting the crew shall be made through democratic vote. Each member has an equal voice in significant matters.

2. Captain’s Authority: The Captain is the final authority on tactical and strategic decisions. The Captain shall be elected by the crew and can be removed through a vote of no confidence.

3. Quartermaster’s Role: The Quartermaster oversees the fair distribution of loot, maintains the ship’s supplies, and resolves disputes

Article IV: Conduct During Interactions

1. Honor Agreements: Treat allies and temporary partners with respect. Honor agreements and contracts to maintain trustworthy relations.

2. Avoid Civil Conflicts: Do not engage in disputes with other pirate factions or criminal organizations unless provoked. Strive for peaceful resolution to conflicts.

3. Trade and Diplomacy: Engage in trade and diplomacy with other factions to secure resources and information beneficial to the crew.

Article V: Emergency Protocols

1. Distress Calls: In the event of distress, crew members are required to aid each other, even if it risks their own safety.

2. Mutiny and Rebellion: Any attempt at mutiny shall be swiftly dealt with according to the severity of the offense, preserving the integrity of the crew and ship.

3. Survival and Adaptation: Adapt to changing conditions and unforeseen challenges with resilience and ingenuity. Prioritize the safety and survival of the crew.


This Charter binds us, the M.C.R.N Marauders, to a code of conduct that ensures our collective success and survival. Through unity and adherence to these principles, we shall navigate the stars, claiming our place in the cosmos while upholding the values we cherish.