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  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Exploration

Welcome to our official Spectrum channel for M.E.D.S Corp (Mining, Exploration, Deliveries & Science).

Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.

Come & join the family!



The founding members of M.E.D.S Corp have ventured far and wide in the cosmic mess that is the gaming industry. Having vast experience in many different simulation, roleplaying & survival games, we aim to bring this knowledge into a casual, but structured Corporation to bring a new exciting dimension to Star Citizen.

M.E.D.S Corp

Founded during the rich industrial birth of the space industry MEDS Corp originally began as a simple hauling company ‘QuickHaulLtd’ operating solely to provide support in delivering equipment & materials to the larger space-port corporations developing the first generation of combat & exploration ships. Successfully landing bigger contacts over the following centuries the company began investing into its own fleet.

First to join the fleet was mining ships which were able to bring great wealth and what was once a simple hauling firm evolved into a major contractor for space-aged materials. Two natural expansions for the company were to develop an exploration department to not only help map uncharted areas but to assist the Mining department in finding rich ore deposits. Then to expand the hauling department to ensure that the company maintained the capability in delivering cargo within the Corporation and to others. This was when the company really became a reliable household name in the Universe and when M.E.D.S was truly formed. Mining, Exploration, Deliveries & Science!

However this isn’t where it ends, unable to disclose much information, M.E.D.S also operates on the darker side of the moon getting involved in more secretive operations……… suspiciously M.E.D.S have developed a defence & security department ‘claiming’ to be a support wing to their mining operations, yet one suspects it’s a little more than that!



Mining Department

Do you have your own mining ship? Maybe you want to join a crew or try it out with a rental? Hell get out there on foot with your personal mining tool! Either way, this is the bread & butter of MEDS! Make your own money or make a deal with a Captain.

MEDS taxation is yet to be determined & won’t be implemented until persistence.

Exploration Department

Deep space & uncharted territories await you, explorer! Go solo or join an ‘Away Crew’! Any important findings must be relayed back to Management for discussion on dissemination.

You will make royalties off your findings and make 100% profit on anything physically found and sold.

Make sure you are combat-ready. Space can be volatile!

IMPORTANT: This is all subject to change depending on the development of exploration!

Hauling & Deliveries Department

Hey Hey Hey Hey Mr Postman! Time to represent M.E.D.S as you accept any delivery request you wish! Want to Haul large shipments for other Citizens or Corps? Want to transport personnel? Be a taxi? 100% profit with a M.E.D.S smile.

Management will seek profitable contracts where you will be tasked to fulfil the request! You will earn a nice percentage of the contract. The more successful deliveries made the better contracts you will be trusted with and the more you will earn!

Don’t forget if you have valuable cargo why not get the Defence & Security Department to escort you? Just make sure you tip them for their help!

Defence & Security Department

All we can share publicly is that the Defence & Security Department offers support for our Mining & Hauling operations.

The rest is ***Classified***

Science Department

In development



M.E.D.S Corp Rules

(1.1) Bullying is punished by a permanent dismissal without appeal.

(1.2) This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination. Punishable by a permanent dismissal without appeal.

(1.3) Swearing at someone outside of roleplay with malicious intent, will not be tolerated and will be punished by a ban.

(1.4) Any threat to, or harassment of, any person, or the community, will not be tolerated and a permanent dismissal without appeal.

(1.5) Any attempts to harm or otherwise disrupt our infrastructure will not be tolerated in or out of the game. We take attacks and threats to attack seriously. Permanent dismissal without appeal. Report to Staff.

(1.6) Directors & Senior Managers may ban any member from the community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have a valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues.

(1.7) It’s important to remember this is a community and some things simply come down to using your common sense. So for every situation, issue falling out etc etc USE IT!

(1.8) Forcing or encouraging another member of the community to break a rule is a permanent dismissal without appeal.

(1.9) Using any exploits or cheating will result in a permanent dismissal without appeal.

(2.0) Respect the positions held by members within the corporation, they will always treat you with empathy and respect you must do the same. This is also important for any role-playing reasons!

(2.0) If you are unable to resolve issues between yourselves about members of the corporation, then please report the problem directly to a Senior Manager or if necessary a Director. If your issue is with a Director then escalate to a CEO if applicable. Note if you have an issue with a CEO then MEDS might not be the place for you.