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Merchants Of Menace / MENACE

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy


Merchants Of Menace is a grey market profiteering organization capable of satisfying smugglers, traders, combat pilots and merchant marines as we raid and trade to profit from our fleet based operations that cause local market price fluctuations.

Structure – The majority of our members are planned to live in and work out of our flagship Kraken Privateer as we roam the stars. Captains lead large/capitol member crewed ships within our fleet such as our Orion capitol mining ship as we nomadically explore the verse making cold hard credits. Lower ranks are for our roles within the fleet. The better you are, the higher your ranked. We encourage working your way up to large/capitol sized ships, recruiting a crew and expanding the fleet to achieve the rank of Captain.

CommunicationsDiscord Channel Link

For Hire – When offered contracts prices vary on the scale of the request(1 man escort vs organization at war) and length of time requested. The opposing party in the contract is allowed to offer a buyout of triple the contract price. This is on purpose so that it is unlikely for a buyout to happen unless they are desperate enough to consider it and still drain the target’s resources. (All contracts are paid in advance and attempts to recruit our members immediately terminates the contract with no refund.)

Disclaimer – This organization was started by a handful of friends and in the event nobody else joins we are still completely fine with that and have no interest in merging with any other organization, we will happily operate on a small scale.


What man is a man who does not make good on his deals or his threats?

We’re a closely knit fleet based profiteering organization that doesn’t care where we make our money as long as we make a lot of it.

When you join your on probation for a month. The men and women you work alongside are your crewmates now. Help them if you can and don’t fuck each other over. If you want to leave, then be on your merry way. Fuck us over and we will hunt you down and have fun doing it. We’re not here for corporate espionage.

Our methods are based on nomadic fleet operations lead by large/capitol ship Captains as we explore star systems for further profits. More of a Battle Star Galactica than a Star Wars playstyle for easy reference.


Primary Interests
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy
  • Trade
  • Mercenary Contracts
Secondary Interests
  • Industry
  • Transport
  • Exploration
  • Marine Assaults and Boarding Actions