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Metal Mamba Enterprises / METALMAMBA

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Smuggling
  • Infiltration

Metal Mamba Enterprises: The premier choice for those that thirst for adventure, abhor the law and aren’t afraid to get dirty in the pursuit of wealth, power and glory.

“A man’s worth is no greater than his ambitions”. ~ Marcus Aurelius


Long ago in earth’s past (well…2003), a rowdy band of friends formed a gaming guild to celebrate their love of all things “space”.

Their first foray into galactic mischief began with Star Wars Galaxies. As members of the Juganoth [JUG] Corporation, the miscreants were the first on the Chilastra galaxy-server to locate and decrypt a Sith Holocron. They were also the first group to build their own guild city and, finally, the first team to ever kill a player Jedi (when permadeath was still a thing for force users).

In 2005, several members (hungry for more challenge and adventure) joined Eve Online and formed their own corporation. The corporation was affiliated with the Band of Brothers alliance until joining Goonswarm in 2014. The corporation’s focus was on piracy and astrometric exploration – uncovering wormholes and pilfering goods from the hapless corporations stationed within them. Wars were fought, fortunes made (and even a few rage-tears were shed).

And now, the villainous wretches have joined Star Citizen. Without a doubt, Metal Mamba Enterprises will continue to sully yet another fine game with their wanton and debauched displays of piracy and sabotage (allying themselves with other like-minded ne’er-do-wells).


Metal Mamba Enterprises (MME) is committed to the following guild principles which govern its behavior, style, recruitment policies and in-game event selection:

  • We are singularly focused on the success of our Metal Mamba Enterprises’ members, and allied individuals and guilds. (Success as defined by a sense of fun, fair play, comradery and in-game wealth and prestige).
  • We are committed to the fundamentals of smuggling, salvaging, racketeering and counter-intel ops insofar as a game’s rules, mechanics and in-game culture allow. Competing corporations are viewed as “prey” just as we view ourselves as “predators”; but our commitment to skullduggery will never exceed the rules of conduct for any game nor violate our own guild Charter. Nor will we grief other corporations unnecessarily.
  • We never steal from nor kill any corp member unless pre-agreed to roleplaying is taking place (and is only permitted within the corp when the “victim” is in full agreement and cooperating). An example of this is ship-to-ship PVP training where one corp member has agreed to take on the role of “intruder” and the training corp mates engage them to hone their combat skills. In short, no stealing or killing from corpmates within the game except for officer-approved purposes and the awareness and agreement of all involved.
  • We will only recruit the best and watch closely those new to our ranks to ensure they hold to our guild’s values and fully represent our interests.
  • We will defend ourselves and our allies with all that we are and all that we have; but we will respond to any threat with undue (in-game) force and vengeance.
  • Finally, we aren’t a politically correct group but our behavior can never exceed that allowed in the guild Charter.


Metal Mamba Enterprises – Guild Charter

Preface: Why We Exist

Metal Mamba Enterprises (“MME”) is a guild (“corporation”) of friends and allies united by the common gaming goals of camaraderie, honor, respect for others, and a desire to have (sometimes disreputable) fun. We’ve adventured together in many games and across many digital frontiers; and we adhere to the high principles of fair play and teamwork. MME doesn’t discriminate based on race, gender, nationality, sexuality, time zone, or real-world financial status. But we absolutely do take into account “soft skills” such as collaboration, level of in-game activity and involvement, and general cleverness when considering candidates.

1.0 The Leadership

MME Leadership is comprised of one Corporate Magnate (“Power Broker”) and several senior officers (“Ringleaders”) as well as a guild recruiter (“Headhunter”) and a treasurer / marketing & branding coordinator (“Propagandist”).

1.1 Guild Leaders and Officers

Overall Guild Leader (Power Broker): Lashyx Thule

The maximum number of corporate officers within any virtual world is based upon the number of active corporate members within that world. The final determination on the number of officer spots available will be based on the number of total active members and their respective roles.

Current Ringleaders: *Lashyx (Salvaging & Smuggling), Retuch (Bounty Hunting & Trade).

1.2 Officer Responsibilities

To lead by example and to mentor newer corporate members and players.

While every member of MME is required to follow the Rules of Conduct as outlined in this charter, officers are expected to lead by example. In any public forum (In-game channels, internet forums, social media, etc…) it is expected that every officer will always act with respect, courtesy and forthrightness.

Gaming insight should be obtained through internet-based research, player interactions and discussion, and frequent game play. Each officer is responsible for passing on their respective knowledge to other members of the corporation so they too may improve their gameplay in all online worlds where MME has a presence. The goal of each officer is to maximize the effectiveness of the players within the corporation.

Each officer shall also make sure that all members of MME understand and adhere to the Guild Charter, our Rules of Conduct, and the Rules of Conduct put forth by each game publisher. Should an officer observe behavior that is in violation of any of these rules, they will take immediate corrective action including suspension and/or removal of the offending person from the corporation (guild), if warranted.

Finally, it is impossible to cover all possible policies in this charter; however, MME is a guild intended to support many diverse people of different cultures, races, ages, religions, nationalities, sexual orientation, and play-styles among its membership. No member who follows our Charter and Rules of Conduct should ever be made feel unwelcome, and it is each officer’s responsibility to make sure that the membership behaves accordingly. We also understand and accept that real life priorities come before gaming.

With that said, it should be noted that Metal Mamba Enterprises is absolutely a “PG-13” guild where some dialogue will be unfiltered and, when situations require, conversations may be pointed and/or prescriptive. Maturity and a “thick skin” are always useful in any guild; and the same can be said of MME. So long as dialogue and interactions do not violate the Rules of Conduct, then overt management (i.e. “babysitting”) and censorship will not take place and will be discouraged.

Rules of Conduct

2.1 General Behavior

All members are expected to follow the rules established by the publisher of any game world where we have a presence. Members of Metal Mamba Enterprises should never perform actions that would result in warnings/suspensions/bans from the game in which they play.

All members will carry their corporation name with honor and show respect for other players in the game. As a member of this corporation, you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner which will reflect well and serve as an endorsement of the corporation’s values. This does not mean that you’re required to be a “saint” within a game. In point of fact, MME encourages skullduggery and mischief…but only within the allowed rules of the game and never against a member of MME itself or its stated allies (individual or corporate).

There will be no extreme swearing or lewd discussions in corporation [general] chat, on our VOIP channels, or on our forums. Tactics designed to get around the game language filter are unacceptable. This does not mean that chat will never be off-color; merely that overt use of profanity etc. is unacceptable. If what you say offends someone in the corporation, you should refrain from similar remarks in the future. There should be no personal attacks on other members in chat channels, our forums, our VOIP channels, or any public channel. All personal disagreements should be handled privately and through the correct procedures while still adhering to all of the above rules. Any open debates should be general in nature and not directed towards any single individual.

The officers are in a leadership role and all members should follow their directions. Disrespecting or ignoring their requests will not be tolerated. Disagreements with anyone in this position should be taken to the in-game Corporation Leader (“Power Broker”) to be resolved. All members must strive to do the job requested of them by officers while on corporate events.

All MME members are encouraged to read the web forums at least once a week.

All MME members are encouraged to use VOIP for better communication and coordination during guild events. Our VOIP server should not be used for non-guild related communication. We do provide VOIP chat via our Discord channel (the link to which will be provided to initiates upon acceptance of their corporate application).

2.2 Discipline

All members are expected to follow this Charter and abide by all Rules of Conduct as stated above, including the established conduct policy of the game publisher.

Any member of the Game Leadership can suspend an MME member from the corporation for breaking any of these rules. Suspensions are not virtual world specific and can carry more serious ramifications as detailed later.

All suspensions should be reported to the Power Broker.

Generally not fitting into MME can also result in suspension, even without an infraction of the rules above. It is important to maintain an environment within the corporation where all accepted members respect each other and share common goals and values. Any member who acts in a manner that causes them to lose the respect of their corp mates can be removed.

Suspended members may not participate in any MME-organized events, unless fully reinstated and no longer on probation.

A member’s continuance in MME, after being placed on suspension, will be discussed by all members of the Game Leadership. A majority vote of the Game Leadership can result in permanent removal of the person from the corporation.

Any person removed from MME in one virtual world for misconduct will also have their membership in all other worlds removed.

In-Game Leadership is expected to ensure that the overall MME Charter and policies are fully implemented within their virtual world. The Power Broker has the power to remove any in Game Leadership member from their position should the MME Charter not be strictly adhered to and enforced.

Any member of any Game Leadership or Overall Leadership that breaks the Rules of Conduct should expect to receive a greater penalty than general members. Abuse of power by a member of the Leadership will not be tolerated.

Any disagreement with an officer in game should be taken to that game’s Power Broker.

Any disagreement with the implementation of the Charter and policies within a virtual world should be taken directly to the Overall Leadership Council for review. The Overall Leadership Council will review the escalation and take action if appropriate.

Removing your MME tag in game is the equivalent of quitting the corporation. Anyone who quits the guild in a game must receive approval from the Game Leadership to be re-admitted. You may not be re-instated more than twice overall. Upon being re-instated, the member is placed on probation for one month.

You do not need to be a member of MME in all virtual worlds where the guild has a presence to be a member of the guild, but as stated above, misconduct in one world will result in your removal across worlds. For example, you may be in another Eve Online corporation; but will not receive full access to Eve Online’s MME boards if not a member of our guild in that game. This same rule applies to Star Citizen, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Trek Online and any other game where MME has a presence.

3.0 Loot Policies

Game specific loot policies will need to be determined within each virtual world by the Game Leadership based on what is appropriate for the mechanics of that game. There should be a fundamental philosophy of fairness and lack of discrimination contained within the policies.

For Star Citizen, looting will be performed or organized by the officer or ranking raid leader / mission planner with final distribution of funds and/or items to be based on need; and where no overt need exists, in even financial “splits” for all participating guild members.

4.0 Membership

Our Guild is intended to be a collection of the finest online gamers, those that can be implicitly trusted to bring honor to our name and treat all other online gamers with courtesy and respect. We desire to fill our ranks with other players who play online games with a high standard of collaboration, honor and guile.

We have a hierarchical organization of membership: Leader (“Power Broker”), Officers (“Ringleader”) , Veterans (“Operative”), Senior Members (“Agent”), Members (“Infiltrator”), Junior Members (“Dealer”), New Recruits (“Broker”) and probationary candidates (“Prospect”). Throughout the charter, whenever the term member is used it means all of the types of members unless otherwise noted.

  • Power Broker – Guild / Corporate Leader with no more than 1 for any game / virtual world. The Power Broker can assign a proxy should a lengthy absence from a game be necessary.
  • Ringleader – Senior Officer responsible for coordinating in-game events, reviews of prospects, rules/charter management, resolving in-game conflicts, mentoring, and serving as members of the Leadership Council.
  • Headhunter – Guild Recruiter with no more than 2 for any game / virtual world. The Headhunter(s) can assign a proxy should a lengthy absence from a game be necessary.
  • Propagandist – Guild Treasurer and Brand / Marketing Coordinator responsible for maintaining all applicable online presences including websites, forums, social media, VOIP channels and graphic design.
  • Operative – Veteran MME members with at least 24 months of continuous active guild participation.
  • Agent – Senior MME members with at least 12 months of continuous active guild participation.
  • Infiltrator – MME members with at least 6 months of continuous active guild participation.
  • Dealer – Junior MME members with at least 3 months of continuous active guild participation.
  • Broker – Probationary MME (guild) members in their first 90 days with Metal Mamba Enterprises.
  • Prospect – Candidate for guild recruitment given limited access during their MME application review cycle.

NOTE: While length of time as an active member of MME does define one significant criteria for rank assignment, guild participation, behavior and adherence to the guild’s gaming style and values are also taken into consideration.

Any MME member may recommend new Prospects to the guild / corporation. Once a candidate (“Prospect”) has been accepted for consideration, the recruiter (“Headhunter”) will organize introductions, required interviews, applicable background checks etc.

Newly tagged applying candidates are put into “Prospect” status until such time as they sign up for access to our forums and have completed any required online forms/registrations pertinent to the corporation. Once all registrations have been completed, the candidate has properly introduced themselves and a status review by an officer has been completed, the Prospect will be moved to the “Broker” tier and will be considered a full Metal Mamba Enterprises member.

Members of MME are expected to have all qualifying characters guild tagged in any game world where they join our ranks. As stated previously, members may join MME in one game and choose not to in another; but access to a game’s forums and VOIP channels etc. is solely based on MME membership for the forum’s applicable game and is not extended to non-participants.

All guild members can express their support or objections about any new recruits (“prospects”) to the leadership of the appropriate virtual world. Details are required for any formal objection. Any Prospect that receives 3 detailed member objections or one detailed objection from any Officer will be removed from the guild and private forums immediately. It is very important that we only allow individuals of appropriate caliber within our ranks. The overall Guild Leader can refuse admittance to or remove any individual from the guild.

Any objection may be deemed inappropriate by the overall Leadership Council if it lacks sufficient evidence or violates any rule of the Charter. In such cases the objection will not be counted. The overall Leadership Council has the final say on any matters of membership across all game worlds.

Any existing MME member who moves to a new game / virtual world where MME has a presence shall be granted instant guild membership within that world without going on probation, nor be required to re-apply.

Forum and VOIP access are a privilege for members only. Forum and VOIP access will be removed from any person that leaves MME or applies for entry in to another guild within any virtual world where we have a presence (pending Officer approval). Some games, such as Star Citizen, allow players to belong to more than one guild / corporation. In those cases, affiliation and/or application with other guilds should be raised with an officer for approval.