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Roberts Space Industries ®

Mithril Shadows / MTHS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Resources

We do what we must to survive in the cold black shadows of the abyss. Within its expanse, the distant glimmering of mithril stars brings faded hope on whispers of silent wind. Therefore, do not be quick to judge that which ye do not know…lest ye be judged. For not all those who wander are lost.


“Back in our day, we…” His voice cracks and trails off as his eyes shift to the great expanse outside of the station.


Do not lose hope as far away and faded as that hope may be.
Hold on to the distant glimmering of those mithril stars.
Gather your resolve and dare to step beyond your threshold of silence.
Push your own boundaries to pry open the chasm of exploration.
For then, and only then, shall ye become a true wanderer.



Additional details forthcoming.