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The MicroTech SnowMen Squad / MTSSCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

The MicroTech Snowmen Squad, The chilliest for hire military snow squad this side of Stanton, Whether it’s Defending Cargo or Assaulting a rival, we bring a chill to every mission. Hire us so we can redefine Security amongst the stars, even in the heat of battle we keep it cool!


In the vast expanse of the Stanton system, where swirling gasses painted the cosmos in hues of violet and azure, four figures glided effortlessly through the vacuum of space. The stars twinkled like distant diamonds against the dark backdrop, illuminating the peculiar sight: a quartet of snowmen, their bodies crafted from glistening ice and adorned with vibrant scarves fluttering in the solar winds. They were known as the MicroTech Snowmen Squad, a name that would soon echo across the verse.

Initially, they roamed the frozen tundras of Microtech, their days filled with exploration and playful encounters with the planet’s indigenous fauna. However, the tranquility was shattered when marauding space pirates descended upon the planet, plundering resources and terrorizing the inhabitants. The snowmen watched in horror as their home fell into chaos, and it ignited a spark within them—a fierce determination to protect the weak and restore peace.

One fateful night, as the auroras danced above, the snowmen gathered around a glowing holographic projection of the System. “We can’t let this continue,” Frost, the leader, declared, his carrot nose pointed resolutely at the screen. “We have the skills and the knowledge. We need to fight back.”

The others nodded in agreement: Blizzard, the tech-savvy genius; Flurry, the master of strategy; and Chill, the gentle giant with a heart of ice. They brainstormed ideas, their animated voices rising in fervor until they reached a consensus: they would form a freelance security company, a shield against tyranny across the stars.

The next morning, with the rising star casting a warm glow on their snowy forms, they set to work. Using their unique abilities, they purchased their first vessel, the Drake corsair a sleek starship The embodiment of Defence, a formidable fortress.

Word of their exploits spread quickly. The snowmen’s unyielding bravery and unique abilities attracted clients from various star systems. Space merchants, scientific expeditions, and even intergalactic diplomats sought their protection. The MicroTech Snowmen Squad became synonymous with safety and reliability, their icy demeanor juxtaposed with an unwavering commitment to justice.

However, their newfound success did not come without challenges. Rival mercenary groups, threatened by the snowmen’s rising influence, conspired against them. They launched attacks, hoping to dismantle the squad’s reputation. Yet, each confrontation only strengthened the snowmen’s resolve. Their strategic brilliance and adaptability allowed them to thwart these threats, each victory solidifying their status as champions of the oppressed.

As they navigated the cosmic landscape, the four snowmen forged bonds with allies and forged a legacy that would endure. With every mission, they embodied the spirit of their icy origins—fierce protectors, guardians of MicroTech, and a reminder that even in the coldest of places, warmth could flourish. The MicroTech Snowmen Squad was not just a company; it was a beacon of hope, illuminating the darkness of space with their steadfast determination and indomitable spirit.


Manifesto of the Microtech Snowman Squad: The Icy Shield of the Cosmos
Preamble: The Frozen Path to Glory
In the boundless and hostile reaches of space, where even stars wither and die, we endure. We are the children of ice and cold, birthed from the forgotten and frozen fringes of Microtech, where no life is meant to survive. Our survival is our triumph, and our strength is forged from the unyielding frost. We are the Microtech Snowman Squad, a private military company for hire—an elite force tempered by the deep freeze of hostile worlds, emboldened by the purity of snow and the silence of the arctic night. We embrace the elements that others fear. We harness the power of ice, wield the precision of a blizzard, and offer our services to those who seek an army as relentless and unforgiving as winter itself.
Article I: Strength Through Cold

To us, the cold is more than an environment—it is a weapon, a teacher, and our identity. We do not simply operate in the cold; we are the cold. As frost forms on the edges of planets and snow smothers the sound of footfalls, we march silently into the heart of battle. Our cold-blooded efficiency and calculating precision are drawn from the icy landscapes we dominate. We turn the freezing winds and sub-zero temperatures to our advantage, outlasting our enemies in the cruelest environments. Ice fortifies our defenses, and the stark clarity of frozen battlefields sharpens our strategies.

In snow, we find silence. In ice, we find patience. In frost, we find power. Like the frostbite that creeps in unnoticed, we wait, poised to strike when least expected, leaving our enemies paralyzed by the deadly chill of our advance.

Article II: The Brotherhood of Frost

The Microtech Snowman Squad are bound together not by contracts or mere duty, but by the blood we have shed and the cold we have conquered. In the endless expanse of space, where survival is uncertain and warmth is fleeting, we rely on each other. We are brothers and sisters in frost, united by shared trials and the unshakable belief in our cause. No member of the Microtech Snowman Squad stands alone; when we fight, we fight as one.

Our bond is as unbreakable as the glaciers we have traversed. When one of us falters, the rest stand firm, a living wall of ice, immovable and indomitable. We reject the warmth of false promises and fleeting alliances. We are loyal to each other, to our code, and to the sanctity of the frozen path we follow. In the cold, our bonds grow stronger, and no flame can melt the unity we have forged.

Article III: The Unyielding Frost of War

In a galaxy full of chaos and conflict, we stand as an unyielding force, a symbol of cold precision and merciless efficiency. When we are called to serve, we bring with us the chill of inevitability. We adapt to any environment, but our preferred battlefield is the frozen wasteland, where others struggle to survive. The cold slows our enemies, weakens their will, and strips away their advantages. For us, it sharpens our minds, hardens our resolve, and enhances our effectiveness.

We offer our services to those who understand the value of discipline, strategy, and enduring strength. Empires, corporations, and colonies seek us out not because we are merely soldiers, but because we are the winter incarnate. Our presence is felt long before we arrive—like a cold wind before the storm. And when we leave, nothing remains but frozen silence.

Article IV: Eternal as the Winter Stars

We are more than a company. We are the embodiment of winter’s eternal grip. Suns may rise, planets may burn, but no warmth will ever thaw the resolve of the Microtech Snowman Squad. We are the frost that endures the heat, the glacier that advances through eons, slow but unstoppable. No flame can burn us away; no storm can shake our foundation.

We will continue to bring cold order to the chaos of the galaxy, for we are the icy shield that protects and the frozen sword that strikes. Our legacy will be as eternal as the stars—cold, distant, and enduring forever.

We are the Microtech Snowman Squad. The Icy Shield of the Cosmos. We do not yield, and we do not melt.

“In the cold, we conquer. In the frost, we stand. In the ice, we are eternal.”


Charter of The MicroTech Snowman Squad
The public rules that members of The MicroTech Snowman Squad shall abide by.

Article I: Loyalty to the Squad

Members of The MicroTech Snowman Squad must prioritize loyalty to the squad above all. Every action taken in service of the squad reflects on all members. Upholding our name, integrity, and cold-blooded precision is paramount. No personal gain shall come before the interests of the squad, and betrayal of the squad is punishable by immediate expulsion and exile from our ranks.

Article II: Professionalism in Cold Execution

Every mission, contract, and operation undertaken by The MicroTech Snowman Squad must be executed with the utmost professionalism. Our reputation is built on precision, discipline, and results. Whether acting as mercenaries, consultants, or security forces, we deliver on our promises with the icy efficiency that defines us. Incompetence, carelessness, and recklessness are unacceptable in the field.

Article III: Preparedness in All Conditions

Members of The MicroTech Snowman Squad must be ready to operate in the most hostile environments across the galaxy, with a particular emphasis on cold and frozen terrains. Physical and mental conditioning are required, and members are expected to undergo regular training to ensure they can handle sub-zero environments, high-pressure situations, and long-duration missions. We are the experts in the cold; unpreparedness will not be tolerated.

Article IV: Brotherhood in Frost

Within the squad, unity is our greatest strength. Members shall treat one another with respect, trust, and support. Conflicts within the squad must be resolved with the goal of strengthening our bonds. Division weakens us, and we cannot afford weakness. In times of battle and in peace, every Snowman stands by their brother and sister without question or hesitation. We are a family, forged in ice, and our bond is unbreakable.

Article V: Duty to Contract

The MicroTech Snowman Squad operates on the basis of contracts with clients across the galaxy. Once a contract is accepted, it must be fulfilled to the letter. There will be no deviation or abandonment unless ordered by command. Failure to complete a mission undermines the squad’s reputation, and such a breach is unacceptable. A Snowman’s word, once given, is as solid as ice.

Article VI: Honor in Cold Combat

Even in the depths of space and the heat of battle, there is a code of honor that all members must uphold. We do not engage in unnecessary cruelty, nor do we betray those we have vowed to protect or serve. We fight with calculated precision, not mindless brutality. We are cold in our resolve, but we do not lose our humanity. Honor and cold justice shall guide our hands in every mission.

Article VII: Cold Adaptation and Innovation

The universe is ever-changing, and so must The MicroTech Snowman Squad be. Every member is encouraged to innovate, adapt, and bring new strategies or technologies that strengthen our ability to perform in cold environments. The squad will continue to evolve to meet new challenges, from frozen moons to hostile star systems. Stagnation is death, and we are ever-growing, like an advancing glacier.

Article VIII: Confidentiality of Operations

Every member of The MicroTech Snowman Squad is expected to maintain strict confidentiality regarding the details of operations, contracts, and internal matters. Information leakage is a violation of trust and professionalism and is grounds for severe disciplinary action. Our clients rely on us not only for our combat prowess but for our discretion and reliability.

Article IX: The Snowman’s Resolve

As a Snowman, you are a symbol of resilience, discipline, and cold-blooded focus. You shall never falter, and you shall never melt under pressure. Every mission is a test of our resolve, and every challenge is an opportunity to demonstrate the unyielding spirit of The MicroTech Snowman Squad. Our name carries weight, and it is your duty to uphold that legacy in everything you do.

Conclusion: The Cold Path Forward

By joining The MicroTech Snowman Squad, you accept the code, the mission, and the cold burden we carry. You are no longer just a soldier or a mercenary—you are a Snowman, a guardian of frozen order, and a symbol of unwavering dedication. We stand together in the frost, and together we shall conquer the stars.
Welcome to The MicroTech Snowman Squad. In the cold, we thrive.