Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Multiverse Mining / MULTIVERSE

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Resources

“I never saw a pair of comets I didn’t like”

Saul Bitumen

We don’t just mine asteroids we grind moons and planets to the core!


Thinking about Multiverse Mining? Where are you today, and where do you want to be tomorrow!

Affiliate Orion Captain Benefits: Larger ore hauls

Hire Operators: Are you tired of NPCs doing a poor job? One operator or five, we’ve got the staff to handle your ship. Pick your own crew from our highly skilled members and increase your profits.

Orion leasing: Are you thinking of leasing your Orion out? Lease it with Multiverse Mining at our corporate hangar. Choose who can pilot the ship and what functions crew members have access to. Determine times your ship is available and make UEC while you are away from the ‘verse.

Optional Orion Insurance: Pirates took over your ship and its now deep in the Unobtainium cluster about to be melted for scrap? Not to worry Multiverse Mining can get you back into business fast while you wait on your LTI to bring your vessel back from the void with our corporate fleet.

Affiliate Operator Benefits: The best damned job in a game.

Better pay: Lets face it mining in almost any universe is a lucrative past time and here at Multiverse Mining we believe its the most lucrative. You are a racer, fighter pilot, a Star marine perhaps. But you want to make some UEC on the side and don’t want the hassle of owning and operating a mining vessel. We get it, and we want you to excel here and get paid for being better.

Scalability: The Orion offers not only more cargo space than a single person mining vessel but onboard refining capabilities allow that cargo to be the most profitable. 1 ton of raw space rock or 1 ton of uranium they weigh the same but one is worth much more!

Training and Innovation: these are one in the same not only will you be introduced to the best practices available at the moment but are encouraged to innovate and improve those practices. Shooting missiles & lasers at volatile space rocks takes a bit more skill than point and click!

Corporate or Affiliate Orions: Choose between mining on one of our Multiverse Mining vessels or work for one of our affiliate captains.

Shareholder Benefits: Your UEC account will thank you.

Owners: You are not a miner, but want to profit from our operations? Come to our shareholder meetings and ask questions and get answers.

Node acquisition: Hold a stake not only in mining vessels but resource production nodes

Dividends: Multiverse Mining will be distributing dividends to our shareholders.

All member benefits: More!

Security: Group rates secured by a dedicated PMC

Mega trading: Large bulk deals available with other corps/orgs. We’ll grind moons together. Multi Orion and Node mining

Discounts: Its going to take a lot of energy to grind up and process all that ore. We’ll secure bulk deals on necessary fuel and replacement parts.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.