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Lost Horizon / N7HORIZON

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Scouting
  • Freelancing

In memory of the last N7, Commander Shepard


In the year 2939,

An unstable jump point was reported near the Chronos system shortly before a partially destroyed ship drifted through. A report filed by local law enforcement stated that 3 passengers were discovered still alive on board. The 3 survivors had no documents stating who they were, and the ships black box and data stores were beyond salvaging. The 3 persons gave consistent statements to law enforcement officials stating that they were part of an Organization known as Lost Horizon, although no information on this Org. could be found. Following interest by local media groups, one of the survivors released the following information:

Lost Horizon was initially an obscure branch of the Systems Alliance known as IST. (Interstellar Scouting Taskforce) During the early years of service, IST consisted of Alliance military personnel of various branches and ranks. All members, however, were required to have some N classification in their dossier.

Little is known of IST and their missions for the Alliance. Rumors speculate they reported directly to Admiral Steven Hackett, often supplying him with highly classified intel on restricted space.

Following the events in the year 2186 CE, IST was disbanded for undisclosed reasons. Shortly thereafter, several of the surviving members formed the organization that is known today as Lost Horizon.

The group went on to say that they had been navigating an unstable jump point when it had undergone a violent shift while they were in transit. They believed that the jump had exited into another dimension, our dimension.

After the release of the aforementioned information, local media groups dismissed these outrageous claims, stating laughingly that cross-dimensional jump points were “an old wives’ tale” and “against the laws of the universe”. To this day, the Organization known as Lost Horizon still maintains the same story of origin, although no one except a few conspiracy theorists believe the outrageous story.

Today, Lost Horizon is known as a highly skilled scouting and freelancing organization, with training and skills reminiscent of the now obscure ICT. (Interplanetary Combatives Training.)

Although Lost Horizon’s rank structure resembles N designations of ICT, They refuse to assign the coveted N7 designation to anyone. Lost Horizon personnel have cited the reason for this is out of respect for Commander Shepard, who was an Alliance war hero, the first human Spectre, and the last N7.


Thanks to Hayter for our great banner.
Thanks to morie91 for our beastly backround.


We are Lost Horizon.

A band of brothers and comrades working together to complete any mission effectively and efficiently.
When you call Lost Horizon, you can expect us to complete the mission or be severely damaged in trying.

We take on missions from scouting, to escorting, to bounty hunting.
Our fleet is diverse and adaptable to any threat or challenge.

So when you require professional assistance, please consider Lost Horizon first!


Commander’s Guidelines

  • The Commander expects all members to act independently upon their own moral code in any situation.
  • If any member’s moral code comes under question, The Commander and the 2 most senior members will render judgement.
  • Members are not required to contribute earned income to Lost Horizon.
  • Fly as a professional, walk as a professional, and talk as a professional.
  • The Commander does not condone or support piracy.
  • We are brothers and comrades, we will act as such.
  • Finally, your rank in Lost Horizon will be based on your interaction with the rest of the crew. Other than that, all rank will be, is a mark of how well we know you. So please interact, have fun, and fly fast!