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Navy Dolphins In Space / NDIS

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

cladem e faucibus victoriae ereptam


A long long time ago in a borough not too far away, a plucky band of war criminals, misfits, and irrepressible scamps decided that they were the best at all video games known to mankind. Obviously, they were very much wrong. However, to the collective internet’s misfortune, they are yet to give up. And so, they have set their sights on Star Citizen, to make their name as the greatest/most infamous, um… PMC.. to ever do it.

Fuelled by a mix of alcohol, meal deals, and illegal government funding, the Navy Dolphins have been instrumental in many conflicts (virtual and real). These include, but are not limited to:
  • 5 Warzone wins
  • The Wagner Rebellion 2023
  • The Shadow Moses Incident
  • The arrest of Sean Diddy Combs
  • At least 2 GTA heists
  • Plethora of Squad Matches
  • The Battle of Terra (M30, Traitor Legion)
  • The assassination of Jeffrey Epstein
  • The Battle of Hastings (Harold Loyalist)

There is no doubt that the history of the Navy Dolphins will be supplemented by an array of great def~ I mean Victories in Star Citizen, and we welcome you with open arms to join our Great Crusade!(TM)

DISCLAIMER: Allegations that we were involved in the assassination of John F Kennedy are completely false. The real assassin is still at large.


We turn away NO client- our loyalty is to the loyalty and support of our customers. Once you take us on we will glaze you to the nth degree. The Navy Dolphins in Space are honoured to stand as the most loyal PMC there ever was. Unwavering in our dedication to secure YOUR bag.

(to any group we are currently in conflict with, please get in contact with us for potential payment plans/contract transfers should you be interested in taking our contract. We are open to the highest bidder.)


Thou shalt not unnecessarily glaze.
Thou shalt not declare allegiance to or be a citizen of the country of Denmark.
Thou shalt not take part in narcotics, without the prior dissemination of said narcotics with the group.
Thou shalt not have bad aim (mine doesn’t count).
Thou shalt not cook tea in a microwave.
Thou shalt not use the lords name in vein (“on Diddy”, “on Skibidi” etc).