• PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Medical

Nebula is a profit based organization focused on superior firepower and strategy, and of course, money.


The Nebula Group was formed in 2935 after the Walzer Massacre in order to assist the various forces fighting against the criminal element in the Stanton System. The group is focused on providing timely assistance in MEDEVAC, security services, and when times call for it “liquidation services”. The founders of Nebula are a group of prior UEE Marines, among this group are GazSC and SeeYouSpaceSoldier. Since its creation, Nebula has preformed a multitude of contracts for large names in the Stanton System such as Hurston Dynamics, ArcCorp, The Bounty Hunters Guild, and many more. Current notable events of the group include participation in The Second War on Jumptown as support for various law enforcement agencies. Copyright @NebulaPMC. Any and all individuals or companies found breaking Nebula PMC’s Copyright will be persecuted in the required manner, the situation depending on Star System.


Background: Nebula was created to become the biggest PMC in the Stanton System as a beginning and push on from there. It was created by its founders; SEEYOUSPACESOLDIER and GAZSC. The intentions behind Nebula is to gain capital and reach the level of the other Organizations in the Stanton System.


The Nebula Group has an amount of rules that must be followed in order to remain a contractor in the group and be under the protection of Nebula PMC. The rules are split into various sections based on branch of Nebula, type of violation, and severity.
Recruitment Rules
- As a general preference the Nebula Group hires veterans.
Section 1 – Duplicity
1. Purposeful Betrayal of Nebula PMC During a Operation