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Roberts Space Industries ®

N.O.S.L.A.V.E.S. Vanguard Owner/Operators / NOSLAVES

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Scouting
  • Scouting

We are the Vanguard.
We are the tip of the spear.
We are the first to shoot.
We are the first to be shot.
We are the first to kill.
We are the first to be killed.
Caution leads to fear.
Fear leads to slavery.
Vanguards never never never shall be slaves.


Telling the history of this organization and any members of it could not be told without offending good gentlefolk, so we’ll just skip that.

Know this about us;
Any person considered sane and does this job either changes jobs, or changes their sanity to something measured as significantly outside the middle of the bell curve.

That means we are not the guys you want married to your sister.


We are scouts.
That means we don’t have your back.
That means we are not fighting at your side.
That means we are out in front, FAR out in front telling you what to expect when you get to where we already are.


The long winded philosophical concept that is our charter is this;


With that in character charter done;
Honor is paramount.
Cheats and exploits in game are not frowned on, they will end you.
these will be recorded and reported because they destroy the game.

To the issue of role playing.
Casual role play is fine, but don’t be annoying with it, nor annoying to people who do it poorly.
Again, Honor is paramount.
I have never been very good at finding jump points in real life, let alone navigating a spaceship through one to another star system.
And just because i am no good at acting doesn’t mean i don’t want to do it.
We are all actors at heart and role playing to one degree or another in any game including Chess, Go, Boxing.

BOXING?? Oh hell yea!
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”
However some people can get carried away and be more than slightly annoying with their boxing role playing;

HEY! Look at me. I’m a cannibal. To prove it I’m eating you ear first