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Obsidian Syndicate / OBSSYN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Social

Welcome to Obsidian Syndicate, We are a group of like-minded space faring folk looking to build a community to explore the verse with and work towards common goals.


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In search of the silliest goose in the verse!



  • No Hate Speech

  • No harassing other members of the org.

  • No politics or religion (it causes more harm than good)

  • Must speak English

  • Discord with mic/headset preferred but not required.

  • Conduct yourself in a manner that will not reflect poorly on the org

  • If you have an issue with another member, or something that has happened talk to an officer in private to take care of the situation instead of making it worse.

  • If you have an issue with an officer, please contact the org leader directly with the issue.