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Odyssean / ODYSSEAN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

If you have it, we will haul it!

Odyssean takes care of your small-to-medium-sized transporting needs. From raw ore to refined rivets, from miscellaneous data on a memchip to memorized information in a sentient mind – no commission is too small!


May, 2014

Organization formalized around founder and CEO Thyrmyle ‘Terry’ Bellegar and his Freelancer-class transport ‘Ulysses’.

June, 2014

Odyssean expands to include Kaptain Krude and his Freelancer DUR, giving the organization the capacity to handle long-range transporting commissions.

Autumn 2014

Freelancer captains Ben Thuro and Reinhold Gus join Odyssean, further strengthening the organization’s cargo-hauling capacity.



Odyssean will deliver cargo, passengers, and information in a timely fashion with the highest attention to detail and with exceptional respect for the integrity of its customers.


The driving force behind Odyssean is the intention to explore regions of space as yet unknown to humankind. This is our long-term goal and motivation. In order to pay for maintenance costs, we will undertake to solve your shipping needs, whether that is to move cargo, information, or passengers.

In our operations, we will employ the highest level of professionalism, attention to detail, and respect for the customer’s integrity. If you wish to ship cargo or information that might be considered illegal in certain regions, you are encouraged to contact our CEO Thyrmyle Bellegar directly to discuss options. (Send PM to Mr. Bellegar)



Will roleplaying be mandatory? RP is highly encouraged. While it will not be necessary to be a hard-core RPer, you should never act to break the mood of an ongoing RP session.

Will you do PvE/PvP? Both, as necessary to protect cargo and passengers. Odyssean will however not engage in competitive PvP.

What kinds of gameplay elements will you focus on? Exploring, trading, and smuggling.

Will there be any login-time requirements? Nope. That ain’t us.

What time zone are you in? UTC+1

What language will you use? The official language of Odyssean will be English.

What kinds of players are you looking for? Mature, adult (18+) players who want to be part of and contribute to a small, friendly, and social organization where individual members are free to act on their own but also help each other on multi-crew flights etc.

TL;DR: Apply if you are adult, mature, and want to join us in deep space exploration! Universal rule of the org: Don’t be a dick.


Management and Leadership

The organization is run by CEO Thyrmyle Bellegar, who is also captain of the Freelancer-class transport ship ‘Ulysses’.

Any members bringing their own ships to the organization will at all times maintain full control and ownership of their own vessels. If a member’s ship is to be used in a mission, it will by default be captained by its owner. No member will ever have to turn the ship over to another member against their will.

If a mission calls for a ship crew of more than one person, such extra crew members will be selected from volunteers – no organization members will be forced to take part in missions against their will.

Crew roles will be assigned on a mission-to-mission basis. The assignments will be decided by the ship’s captain.

On a multi-vessel mission, one vessel will be designated as Lead Vessel. The captain of the Lead Vessel will have operational control over all vessels in the mission. (I.e., any other ships will be subordinate to the Lead Vessel captain for the duration of the mission.) This is to avoid confusion and facilitate command and control in the event of combat, and has no impact on the relationships between members once the mission is completed.

On legal accountability

When preparing a mission, a call for volunteers will go out either on live chat or through written comms. At that time, the following information will be given (at a minimum):
  • Type of mission (cargo haul, passenger transport, reconnaissance, etc.)
  • Number and types of ships involved
  • Legality of the mission

Once a crew member accepts and joins a mission which might be considered illegal in some regions, he/she will implicitly acknowledge and accept the risks of breaking the law.