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Roberts Space Industries ®

On the Fringe of the Galaxy / OFG

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Infiltration

We are On the Fringe of the Galaxy

Don’t want to get your hands dirtied? Need something to be taken care of? You’ve come to the right place!

Don’t like playing by the rules? Want to be part of something discreet? You know what to do!

>> OldFartGamers <<


Know that we have existed for a long time even before mankind created the first space shuttle…

Know that we exist because of the need to clean up the mess created by others…

Know that we will continue to exist for eternity…


On the Fringe of the Galaxy is for those who are flying or want to fly missions and at the same time who have other commitments such as spouses, kids, parents, grand-parents, extra-marital affairs…


RESPECT – Thou shalt always honour the wishes of fellow members of the syndicate
RELY – Thou shalt always assist fellow members of the syndicate
RELAX – Thou shalt always have fun with fellow members of the syndicate