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Outer Systems Naval Alliance / ONA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

“It is our purpose is to provide a new life to those who were abandoned by the UEE or who are tired of watching the people they love be sacrificed to the foreign species.”

Discord Link


Years ago, our people were an Emergency Response & Rescue team. Our operations consisted of providing safe passage and transit for civilians escaping the aftermath of the Vanduul invasions within Virgil. Many members and their families were assisting refugees in Vega before all communications went dark. It was only after the news reports came in that the leaders realized what had happened. There were 4 million citizens, including the refugees from Virgil, who were living on Aremis when the massacre took place. The team leaders, members, and their families were astonished and disgusted by the inaction and naiveness of the government since the first Vanduul invasion many years ago. The tragedy on Vega was a wake up call to our people that we will never be safe.

After the passing of the Militia Mobilization Initiative on October 5th, 2946, all surviving members gathered in Pike for a meeting and concluded that as a result of tragic events. . . the UEE is no longer capable of protecting its people. With full support from all members, the leaders signed an accord that would officially form the Outer Systems Naval Alliance (ONA) as an independent society. This agreement would shift the group’s focus to a much larger goal and scale and would call for the numbers to expand throughout the coming years. The concluding section of the accord opening reads, “It is our purpose is to provide a new life to those who were abandoned by the UEE or who are tired of watching the people they love be sacrificed to the foreign species. For too long has the government neglected the citizens it swore to protect. For too long have they sat by in the safety of Earth’s defenses while the Vanduul wipe out everything that WE, citizens of the UEE, dedicated our lives and fortunes to building. Our mission will not be an easy task and it comes at great cost, but we must prevail. . . For without sacrifice, there can be no victory.”

Time passed on and ONA became a private organization with a singular goal, a truly independent and self-governing society. Since breaking off from the UEE, the ONA has built a navy capable of protecting all of its people, while becoming self-sufficient in every manner. All members and their families moved out of UEE controlled space to build homes and businesses that could be under the security of themselves, rather than relying on the government’s police and military to guard them. Since the move, more and more have joined the cause in search of freedom from the tyranny of the UEE who betrayed everyone they swore to defend.



The Outer Systems Naval Alliance is an independent organization dedicated to forging its own self-governing society, free of the tyranny on Earth. Rock hoppers must stick together.


First and foremost, ONA is independent and has its own beliefs. We are based out of non-UEE controlled space, meaning we are neither lawful or unlawful.


From manning a turret, to exploring the verse, ONA has a place for everyone.



  1. Navy
  2. Marines
  3. Medical

Science & Research

  1. Exploration
  2. Data Running
  3. Science


  1. Trade & Commerce
  2. Mining & Salvage
  3. Refuel & Repair
  4. Construction

Mercenary Contracting


Code of Conduct

Be respectful and courteous to members of the discord and players in the verse.

Do not grief other members, or players. Pad ramming, camping landing zones, or killing players with no purpose (Example: “because it’s fun”) will not be tolerated.

ONA is built on a foundation of trust and loyalty. Gameplay operations that could become a conflict of interest between org members, such as working against each other, would need approval from leadership to ensure internal conflict does not arise.

Any harassment towards members will result in immediate expulsion from the org.

A message for all members: Real life comes first. This is a game. . . your families, jobs, and your health (including mental) should not be sacrificed.