Freedom for the Belt!
No matter how much the Expanse of our species reach grows, and how many new suns it extends to, there will only ever be One Belt.
“Oh your parents will teach you well
for you sail for you sail
To shun the gates of hell when you sail.”
“As most wickedly i did The Inner laws we did forbid
Against them we rebel when we sail.”
“Oh my gang for sound for sound
When I steer when I steer
Oh my gang for sound for sound
When I steer when I steer
Oh my gang for sound for sound and the many ships we found
and all of them we burned
When we sailed.”
“Me was sick and nigh to death
Tili go tili go
Me was sick and nigh to death
tili go tili go
Me was sick and nigh to death but I vowed with my every breath
For go with wisdom ways
When I sail.”
“To the execution dock i have come
Tili go
to the execution block
for to sail
I was sick and nigh to death but I vow with my every breath
For go with wisdom ways when I sail.”
Beltalowda bi kowlpelésh kowltim, ando vedi kowlting.
The place we go is the place where we belong
Inyalowdas cannot look upon a thing but wonder who it belongs to.
To make it their possession.
“Possession is nine tenth of the law” they say.
But that is not the way of the Belt.
We say “the more you share, the more your bowl will be plentiful”
and those that will not share bi welwalla!
and if we are all welwalla, Kowmang gonyadie!
Tenye Wa Chesh Gut, Beltalowda!
“Guilt is like salt. You put a little on, and it hides all the bitterness.” -Klaes Ashford