Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Outlanders / OTLS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

“If the sky comes falling down for you, there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.”


Outlanders is a collection of individuals under one banner, with the common goal of getting by together in a universe that makes that harder and harder each year. The more the UEE squeezes, the more determined we’ll become to find ways of putting food in our stomachs and fuel in our ships.

We have people who used to serve in the forces, great thinkers and all of those in between. We accept all walks of life, providing they can tow the line and look after their fellow Outlanders when the going gets tough.

The group was founded in 2942 by four individuals:

Alek Lundy: Former UEE Navy Special Ops.
Lorem Ecco: A lady with more degrees than a thermometer.
Spence: Former UEE Navy Special Ops
Tabitha Logan: The doc and fixer upper.

After various mishaps and adventures the group came together to form the Outlander philosophy and code of unity. Since its inception the group has patiently accepted new members in, with the thought firmly in mind that it’s better to have ten people around you that you can count on, than a hundred you can’t.


  • Space can be dangerous. As such we band together against the perils of the universe and watch our brothers and sisters backs.
  • Work is work. Individuals are free to pursue credits in whatever way they want, providing it doesn’t bring trouble down on the group.
  • It’s a big universe. There’s more to it than the UEE would have us believe. Enjoy your freedom and get out there.


Outlanders was founded on the following basic philosophical points:

1. We enjoy RP. We get a kick out of in-character interaction with people and like the way it adds another dimension to the game universe. Light, heavy, medium, we enjoy it in all shapes and sizes, and we know that can vary depending on an individual’s mood, or what kind of day they’re having.

2. We enjoy the game. That means exploring, or teaming with friends to travel through hostile space. We want to experience everything the game world has to offer us.

3. Low requirement. Real life can be demanding. Players have families, jobs, demanding pets or all three. We want to create an environment where you can expect to be included and have your kind of fun without a massive time investment. You can also be part of our organisation alongside another unless there would be an obvious conflict of interests. If you know you are going to be away or inactive for an extended amount of time contrary to your usual play time pattern, it won’t hurt just to let one of the team know.

4. Respect. We respect each other’s game time and expect that others will respect ours in return. This means that among many things that we expect people not to be jerks, and that they should speak to each other with courtesy, and to show up to commitments on time and prepared. If you have a disagreement with another member try to settle it like civil people, or if that fails bring it to the attention of a Pathfinder or Altair.

5. Fun’s the Point. If you’re not having fun, what’s the point? Got an idea that you think will make the organisation more fun? Let us know! We’re always interested in new ideas and will try to work with members to make these ideas happen.

6. While it’s our intent to create a environment that can be fun for a lot of people we understand that it simply can’t be for everyone. If you find that in the long run, you’re not enjoying our guild please exit with same class, grace and no hard feelings attitude that we will extend you.