Pantheon / PANTHEON

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Heavenly Solutions to Worldly Problems


Pantheon started as a small team of dedicated space ferrers working for the UEE Advocacy on the perry line, A team of previously freelance bounty hunters led by Ivan Mizumoto joined together to create a proper corporate identity to vy for government security contracts, This company became the pantheon we know today.


Pantheon is centered on a three core values, all members should strive to uphold and advance these traits.

  1. Performance, all Pantheon personnel should strive to complete their objectives quickly and efficiently.
  2. Cooperation, Pantheon personnel should work both with each other and with their clients to ensure tasks are completed effectively.
  3. Professionalism, Pantheon personnel should operate and present themselves as professionals at all times.


Pantheon personnel are required to live up to professional standards at all time, by maintaining the following. UEE

  • Good standing with RSI appointed administrators and moderators, RSI is one of our biggest partners and our relation with them is paramount.
  • A clean standing with the UEE Advocacy, any outstanding fines and bounties must be sorted as soon as possible.
  • Good standing within the UEE community, Pantheon well not protect or tolerate those who harass, scam, or otherwise deface others.
  • A constant willingness to follow orders of superior officers when on an official objective.

Violation of one or more of the above rules is ground for termination of any offending personnel.