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Roberts Space Industries ®

Perfectly Unorganised Noobs / PERFECT

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Welcome future Perfectly Unorganised Noobs to “Perfectly Unorganised Noobs”.

P.U.N was founded by the small youtuber “Blood Claw” in the hopes of creating a community where everyone is welcome and all can work together for mutual benefit and more importantly have fun and socialise.


Founded on the 1st of the 12th 2019


Even noobs when banding together can achieve greatness !


1. Be nice to each other. Banter with out malicious intent is ok BUT remember there is a fine line that can be even harder to see when talking online.

2. Polite and respectful debates are allowed but arguments are not. Be careful of heated topics such as politics as its easy to lose ones temper when talking about something you care about.

3. Please leave self promotion at the door. If the conversation arises naturally this is fine. Feel free to talk about video’s streams of this actual org in action though as long as it does not become spam.