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Penguin Corp / PINGU

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Welcome to PENGUIN CORP!

We are a UK based, inclusive corporation focused on working together to learn and understand the verse! (and sometime break it)

We are just starting out but are no strangers to this so drop us a line if you want to help us get started.



Penguins live in cold and inhospitable places…..why wouldn’t we be in space!

Founding members Kurbanis, Odd and Zahara met in 2943 while employed on a mining operation at [REDACTED] . Following the completion of their contract the 3 formed their own corporation Interstellar Nuclear Penguins and began competing for and delivering mining contracts around the verse. These early days were frought with difficulties, including, runaway expenses, a lack of cohesive and direction and of course piracy!

After 2 years of struggles and on the brink of collapse, the fledgling corporation made a bold gambit. They took what equipment and resources they had left and headed out to lawless space in an effort to carve a new path. Along the way they made some changes to their hiring policy. There was enough experience within what remained of the corporation to teach anybody that wanted to learn how to chew rocks so they looked for those whose talents lied in kinetic diplomacy. One such hiring was an audacious pair straight from the UEE navy. The two pilots [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] , came off as brash and reckless, a harrowing new challenge for the former pencil pushing leadership. Whilst debating if the corporation could house these mavericks in a corporate meeting a call came over the wire. Pirates had entered the system and were heading straight for the freelance mining operation in the [REDACTED] system. With the UEE unable to respond in time the corporation was forced to finally test out it’s new forward leaning approach and readied it’s combat ships. Sadly they had not had enough time to build the capital requires to update the fleet and so they found themselves outgunned, but not out matched….

A sharp squawk of the comms broke the concentration of the defensive fleet followed by a the unmistakable southern drawl.


Suddenly the corporation’s only multi-crew mining vessel dropped into view, tilting its armoured section toward the oncoming force and firing what little weapons it had. With the enemy in shock over the brazen display of what were believed to be simple miners they hesitated. Seizing the opportunity the defense fleet emerged from around the behemoth and, with shields recharged unleashed a coordinated strikes against individual targets. After losing several ships and in disarray the enemy force fled.

Having seen the value of combat experience and boldness in the face of adversity the decision was made to not only keep the former UEE duo on payroll, but to promote them and put them in charge of combat training and operations. In the years that followed the corporation grew and became more comfortable with confrontation. Eventually taking the decision to move to the far reaches as part of a territorial conglomerate. This new location offered much more potential profit but came with a requirement to assist in larger defensive fleets. It soon became apparent that the best use of skills for corporation was as logistical support. This proved fortuitous and soon the more combat minded members were inducted into the covert ops branch of the conglomerate and began operating [REDACTED] in the system. This work led them to be involved in [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] even taking part in the [REDACTED] at [REDACTED] . Eventually the conglomerate began to dissolve and the corporation moved back to the core worlds. Work slowed and the business eventually closed up shop.

After some time in retirement the leadership are looking to reinvigorate the penguin name and take on new challenges. But this invigorated idea needed a new name.



Penguin Corp is an inclusive org that works to serve all members. Our aim to ensure the time you spend in the verse is first and foremost fun.

With that in mind the org direction, and subsequent planned activities, is determined by members and reviewed periodically. Org nights are designed to coordinate members to work to larger goals or events and timing is agreed to maximise member turnout.

The current focus of the org is experimentation of game mechanics specifically multi-crew gameplay. This is currently aimed at industrial and cargo activities and we run 1 org night per week.


First and foremost, this is a game. Everyone is here for their enjoyment and as such no-one should have that ruined by bullying or harassment. With this in mind Penguin Corp is an inclusive and RL first org and we operate a zero tolerance policy to bullying, harrasment and general toxicity.

All members will be held to these standards.