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shadow hunters / PRAY

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

Hello and welcome to
Looking for an escort? Do you want something moved and require protection? Maybe you have experience in this area. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will take care of you.


We are an organization who originally started out bounty hunting those hard to track targets through UEE controlled space and outlying territories. We are now escorting ships into uncharted territory with the knowledge that we may be small but we get the job done to an excellent standard of proficiency.

Back in 2919 while on operations with the UEE Special Operations Group two friends were horrified to find a close family friend had been murdered by a well known and dangerous criminal known as “Shadow”. After hearing that the authorities were unable to catch the suspect, the founders took matters into their own hands and left the service to track down the suspect and bring him to justice and get some sort of closure to their friend and her family.
After months of tracking Shadow throughout UEE and Banu space, they found him hiding out on a small planetoid within Vandul space with a few accomplices. With a short but intense firefight the fugitive was apprehended along with three of his accomplices. they were handed over to the authorities and with the bounties that were claimed they decided to set up an organisation to track down those hard to track fugitives. The name that they decided on was “SHADOW HUNTERS” after their first capture.

In 2924 and after 4 years of hard work, Shadow Hunters had enough to buy their first flagship, a recently decommissioned Carrack from the UEE Navy. With the purchase of this ship we grew our operation and reputation to a new leval.
In 2945, RSI asked if Shadow Hunters would be able to escort a High profile package through UEE and Banu space to an outpost on the edge of Vandul territory. After careful deliberation a contract was signed and the package was delivered to an undisclosed outpost next to Vandul territory. On return we were given the opportunity to buy a state of the art ship at a discounted price from RSI for the outstanding work that we did for them. The ship that was offered was a recently completed Polaris.

With our two flag ships, ILLUSTRIOUS “Polaris” and SOLAROUS “Carrack”, our highly trained team, we will fight to the last for your safe passage to the future.


SHADOW HUNTERS intention as an Organization is to provide a level of service and protection un-surpassed by other larger Organizations, and to provide this at a competitive rate. We will also protect those un-able to protect themselves against attack from marauders and hostile beings from there worlds.

Our motive for this as an Organization is to be the best in the field of Protection, Bounty and Exploration services out their. We will protect and deliver.

Our views are that the customer comes first and the protection that we provide will be of the highest standard; whether it be an AURORA to the ENDEVER or a 600i to the 890 JUMP. “WE WILL PROTECT.


The orders given below shall not be broken.

  1. There shall be no racism.
  2. There will be no sexism.
  3. There will be no internal Fighting.
  4. Be respectful to others.
  5. Have fun