Poseidon Solutions / PSOLUTIONS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Resources

Factories; Ship, SEquipment, firearms, powerarmor & suits -sales from our warehouses (warehouses for raw materials) -agency to put in contact clients and freelancers for transportation,cargo and exploration -WIP
WIP;Logo Stark solutions*, main account logo*
-looking for investors for another factory


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-Ship Factories -Ship-equipment Factories -sales from our warehouses (warehouses for raw materials, refined resources and Basic goods) -agency to put in contact clients and freelancers for transportation,cargo and exploration -WIP
WIP;Logo Stark solutions*, main account logo*
-looking for investors for another factory

-Currently looking for investors to open a new Ship factory in the banu protectorate area

Freelancers will win more money per job, but will have less jobs, and will earn less trust per job, the higher the tier(based on already successful jobs with us T1-T3) the freelancer-worker will have better advantages like better salary and job opportunities, freelancers have less restrictions or rules per job as they are freelancers, for example regular workers cant be part of another organization that sells ships or ship equipment unless a rare exception, while we let freelancers work for any organizations, but also freelancers would have a file with all the info we can gather about them when a customers needs a contact wih one of our freelancers so, you may want to include in your presentation card as freelancer your inclinations about different aspects that may serve the customer to choose you or another freelancer as their associate for their job request. we reserve the right to also attach a log file with your jobs development to our customers with detailed info, only to preserve the quality to our customers, and yes we do take only a small percentage of responsibility for failed jobs from our freelancer workers, while these two last aspects do on the contrary for our regular-workers

We also have available escort-security services trough our sponsor partner GMAE


The Poseidon’s Wrath is the Organizations Ship signature*




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