In the heart of the United Empire of Earth (UEE), amidst the orchestrated precision of military might and interstellar governance, there thrived an enigma, known solely by the codename “Pico.” This name signified more than an individual; it represented a paragon of covert operations, a guardian navigating the shadowy fringes of space and political intrigue. Pico was no ordinary operative; he led a clandestine team under direct orders from the UEE High Command, bridging the covert needs between the Army, Navy, and Marines. His existence, a ghostly passage through the annals of military lore, was a secret preserved for the sanctity of the UEE’s undisclosed battles, known only to the most elevated echelons of command.
The pivotal moment in Pico’s shadow-laden career, as well as his existence, emerged amid the icy embrace of microTech. A dire crisis took shape as the Nine Tails pirates, fueled by relentless greed and deep-seated malevolence, seized a UEE Reclaimer. This gargantuan vessel, once a symbol of industrial might, was sinisterly refitted into an instrument of cataclysm. The pirates, in a bold act of defiance, had stolen a cache of Colossus Bombs from UEE A2 Hercules Starlifters, war machines known for their devastating offensive capabilities.
These bombs, designed to deliver destruction on an unthinkable scale, were now clandestinely mounted within the Reclaimer’s core. The target of this floating fortress of doom was none other than New Babbage, the vibrant heart of innovation and community spirit. Positioned to be crashed deliberately into the city, the Reclaimer, laden with its stolen arsenal, posed a nightmarish threat. The mere thought of these Colossus Bombs being unleashed in a residential area was unimaginable, a scenario that could transform the bustling metropolis into a crater of silence and desolation at a moment’s notice.
Amid the imminent shadow of catastrophe, Pico, alongside a select few of his most trusted and skilled operatives, orchestrated a daring intervention. These operatives were chosen for their unparalleled skill and unshakeable loyalty. Together, they infiltrated the commandeered Reclaimer, confronting the peril within its metallic bowels. The skirmish that ensued was fierce, a testament not only to the physical prowess but also to the indomitable spirit of Pico and his team.
Confronted with the unfathomable decision that could determine the fate of New Babbage, Pico exhibited a leader’s resolve. With calculated precision and a heavy heart, he commandeered the vessel, steering it away from its deadly trajectory. His decision to divert the Reclaimer toward the now-famed Ghost Hollow was a monumental act of valor, saving countless innocent lives at the risk of his own and his team’s.
In the aftermath, the once menacing Reclaimer lies dormant in the silent embrace of Ghost Hollow. The Colossus Bombs, symbols of the potential apocalypse averted, were quickly recovered by the UEE, ensuring no further threat emanated from the wreckage. Yet, the scars of battle and the violent descent mark the hull, standing as a testament to the day’s events. This silent sentinel, surrounded by the encroaching forest, serves as a monumental tribute to Pico’s sacrifice and the bravery of his selected operatives, etching their story into the annals of history as guardians who stared into the abyss and did not falter.
Following this harrowing event, Pico was presumed dead. The UEE, in an effort to maintain face and deny the embarrassing breach of security, dismissed the incident as a tragic accident while smearing any mentions of piracy or internal theft. Whispered stories of Pico’s bravery were clandestinely shared among the citizens of New Babbage who, knowing the truth, honored their savior with the creation of Pico the Penguin plushies in 2902. These plushies, symbols of resilience, hope, and a covert nod to the heroism of Pico, found their way into the homes and offices of those who remembered, standing against the frost and silence for a truth unsung.
But legends, much like the stars, never truly fade. Rumors swirled across star systems of Pico’s survival, of shadows moving with purpose and a silent vigil kept over the innocent and oppressed. While the UEE continued to deny his existence, Pico, believed to be dead by the galaxy at large, was orchestrating a resurgence from the enigmatic depths of space. In 2953, leveraging his extensive experience and driven by the unresolved injustices of his past, Pico founded a new beacon of hope: Pico’s Task Force.
This new assembly was not just a continuation of Pico’s legacy; it was a testament to his evolving mission. Less shrouded in secrecy but equally dedicated to justice, Pico’s Task Force emerged as a collective of skilled individuals united under the ideals of their enigmatic founder. They pledged to aid those in need, to stand as shields against the darkness, all while navigating the blurred lines of law and morality in pursuit of a greater good.
Now, in the year 2954, Pico, older and shrouded in the veils of myth, operates from the shadows, his directives guiding the Task Force. His leadership, though indirect, shapes their missions, echoing the silent resolve and undying courage that once saved New Babbage. Pico’s Task Force operates in memory of Pico’s deeds, a constant reminder that in the vast, cold expanse of space, warmth and light can be found in the unity and purpose of those who dare to stand against the darkness.
We are more than just an organization; we are a dynamic community united by our shared passion for exploration, camaraderie, and adventure. At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to four key principles: security, medical assistance, adventure, and community. As you delve deeper into our organization, you’ll come to understand the essence of each category and how they intertwine to shape our collective identity. From safeguarding the cosmos to forging lasting bonds among our members, every aspect of our organization is imbued with purpose and meaning. Join us as we embark on an unforgettable journey through the stars, guided by the spirit of camaraderie and the thrill of discovery. Below is a glimpse of what we offer and what you can expect as a member of our organizations.
Whether it’s paid escort missions, protecting individuals or groups, conducting anti-piracy operations, or securing vital locations, our organization is committed to maintaining peace and order across the cosmos. Our highly skilled operatives are trained to handle any security challenge, ensuring the safety of our clients and allies.
In times of crisis, our medical teams are there to lend a helping hand. From providing emergency medical assistance on the battlefield to offering aid to stranded travelers lost in space or stranded on remote moons, we prioritize saving lives above all else. Our medical personnel are equipped with expertise to handle any medical emergency with precision and care.
Exploration and adventure are in our DNA. We lead thrilling expeditions across the unknown expanses of the cosmos. Join us to discover new worlds, uncover ancient mysteries, and experience the unbounded thrill of space exploration. Each journey with our team is a story waiting to be written, filled with challenges, discoveries, and the chance to make your mark among the stars.
Our members come from various backgrounds, bringing together a wealth of experiences, perspectives, and talents. Beyond the realm of Star Citizen, we bond over shared interests, engage in lively conversations, and foster genuine connections that extend beyond the digital universe. Whether it’s rallying together for in-game missions or simply sharing laughs and stories, our community is the heart and soul of our organization.
Our community shares a passion for Star Citizen and creating an enjoyable experience. We uphold core values of respect, teamwork, and integrity through these rules that all members, affiliates, and visitors must follow.
Report violations directly to a Non-Commissioned Officer or Commissioned Officer, who will assess severity and frequency to determine consequences – from warnings to suspensions or permanent removal. Willful negligence will not be tolerated.
1. Respect
All members, affiliates, and visitors should treat each other with respect and courtesy at all times. Respect the organization’s structure, chain of command, leadership decisions, and core objectives. Maintain a balance between having fun and upholding professionalism.
2. Operational Focus
During missions, operations, combat and other formal activities, all members must remain focused, communicate clearly, follow orders, and work as a team. Outside of official duties, we foster a casual, friendly environment that encourages camaraderie and lighthearted interactions.
3. Teamwork
We value a strong teamwork mindset. Members are expected to actively support one another and contribute to shared objectives. This includes participation in activities, equitably sharing resources when possible, and assisting with organizational needs. While individual success is encouraged, we promote a culture of generosity to each other.
4. Representation
When officially representing our organization on any platform, we must conduct ourselves with respect, professionalism and courtesy. Our actions and words reflect on the entire group, so we must maintain a positive image upholding our core values.
5. Activity
We understand real-life commitments take priority. Members should aim for a rank that aligns with their availability and level of interest in contributing to the organization. Higher ranks come with increased responsibilities and expected activity. The goal is to manage your time in a way that allows you to meaningfully participate without overburdening yourself.
6. Rules of Engagement (RoE)
During organization missions or parties, if you are being attacked or engaging with a known hostile, you may return fire or initiate combat at your discretion until the threat is neutralized. Known hostiles include enemies or organizations at war with Pico’s Task Force, player bounties, and enemy NPCs. In situations outside of these parameters, await orders from the ranking member of your mission or party before engaging or disengaging.
7. Internal Conduct
Pirating, looting, or assaulting fellow members is strictly prohibited, except in sanctioned events, special missions, or agreed training scenarios. We operate as a united team – no hostile actions toward each other are allowed. Rewards, loot and resources from organizational activities must be shared fairly among participants.
8. Griefing
Any actions that intentionally disrupt, harass or negatively impact others’ gameplay experience solely for your own amusement are considered griefing and strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to ship ramming, targeting and harassing other players, spamming comms, body blocking, exploiting bugs/glitches, and other disruptive behaviors.
9. Membership in Other Organizations
Members are allowed to join other organizations, but are not permitted to associate with groups whose primary activities involve pirating, griefing, or harassing other players. Our organization firmly opposes such conduct.
10. Ethical Recruitment
We aim to maintain fair and respectful recruitment practices, thus we do not condone intentionally poaching members from other organizations. Our goal is to uphold respectful relations with other groups. If someone is interested in joining, refer them to our application process or recruitment division.
11. Advertising
Promoting other organizations, services, products or any other offerings within our community is strictly forbidden without prior leadership approval. This applies to all members, affiliates and visitors.
12. Confidentiality
Members must maintain strict confidentiality of all sensitive organizational information, strategies, operations, intellectual property and personal member details. Do not disclose internal communications, division-specific info or privileged data externally or internally without proper clearance and explicit permission.