Reddit Dads / RDAD

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

We are a group of mature (well older mostly) gamers. We play just about everything you can name and have finally ventured to the stars! Citizens look no further if you wish to fly with mature gamers that don’t mind you going afk without notice or hearing your screaming household while you play.


Reddit Dads was created to group together individuals who were on similar time constraints, due to being an active parent, which limits the time and energy we have to collectively play social games online. Later, we expanded to invite more mature individuals who respected this situation, and rejoiced in plyaing together with us. We gather on reddit in where you can read more about our history, and understand us better.

Beyond Star Citizen, we can be found on Steam, PS3, PS4, Xbox360, and Xbone.


Reddit Dads focuses on being a social safe haven for mature players and parents who realize that family comes first in all situations. We filter out the immature/bad players who do not respect this. Having a child is not a requirement for the crew but if you live with your parents, there are other Organizations out there for you.

If your child needs you, or your family situation pulls you away from a fight, we will understand and support you, and welcome you back heartily when you can return.


  • Be polite.
  • Act maturely.
  • NEVER engage in a fight with a member of Reddit Dads without explicitly agreeing to a duel together.
  • Respect the life situation of your fellow RDADs.