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Roberts Space Industries ®

Ransom Raiders / RE1

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

People associated with Ransom are in this organization.


A private institution with a public purpose, Ransom Everglades combines rigorous college preparation with a commitment to leaving the world better than we found it.

From the days when the school split the year between the Adirondacks and Coconut Grove, Biscayne Bay has been the true center of student life, the setting for everything from biology classes to sailing and kayaking. Stewardship of nature remains a core value. Every freshman receives a compass and is taught how to use it during a five-day Outward Bound trip to the Everglades.

Learning to navigate unfamiliar environments has always been a key part of a Ransom Everglades education, whether the challenge is physical, academic or ethical. Developing leadership capabilities is equally important and, at RE, leadership is defined as creating opportunities for others. Almost all of our students participate in service programs — many of which are conceived, funded, staffed and led by students.

Paul C. Ransom once wrote that the kind of young people he wanted to teach “… believe that they are in the world not so much for what they can get out of it as for what they can put into it.”

More than a century later, Mr. Ransom would still recognize his school and its students.


The org is here to provide a base for fellow Raiders to come together and play some Star Citizen.
The play style of this org depends on the role of ships we have. As of now we only have fighters, but in the future, we are planning to shift to a more cargo/exploration role with a carrack or group of constellations. This game play is a great opportunity to have a fun multi crew experience while also making money to maybe upgrade to future hammerhead which is straight up just amazing for combat.

United forever in friendship and labour,
Our mighty republics will ever endure.
The Great Soviet Union will live through the ages.
The dream of a people their fortress secure.

Long live our Soviet motherland,
Built by the people’s mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

Through days dark and stormy where Great Lenin lead us
Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above
And Stalin our leader with faith in the people,
Inspired us to build up the land that we love.

Long live our Soviet motherland,
Built by the people’s mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

We fought for the future, destroyed the invaders,
And brought to our homeland the laurels of fame.
Our glory will live in the memory of nations
And all generations will honour her name.

Long live our Soviet motherland,
Built by the people’s mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.


The student, the family, and the School share the task of establishing the right balance between freedom
to pursue individual interests and the responsibility to embody community values in developing mature
young men and women. To avoid misunderstanding, the statements of policy and expectations for
behavior and conduct in this Handbook are intended to clarify the school’s expectations for both
students and parents.
Ransom Everglades School is a community; the actions of any one member may affect other members
of the community. Every student is expected to act in a responsible and socially mature manner; to
respect the rights and property of others; to adhere to school regulations; and to behave respectfully on
campus, at co-curricular events, and within the larger community in a manner that lends credit both to
the student and school.
These values and expectations are rooted in a fundamental concern for health and safety, as well as for
the sound personal, social and intellectual development of young men and women. They also recognize
the school’s responsibilities to its students, their parents and their community. By accepting admission
to Ransom Everglades School, each student, parent and guardian expresses a willingness to live up to
these policies and expectations.
The following is a summary of the major​ ​school​ ​rules​ shared by the Ransom Everglades School
community. Violation during school and school-sponsored activities and/or outside of school will result
in a strong disciplinary response that balances the best interests of both the student and the school. We
expect RE students to respect the person, rights, property and welfare of others and to be honest in all
matters. Students may not:
● Fight with, intimidate or threaten any members of the community.
● Haze (either physically or emotionally); engage in any form of sexual harassment, coercion or
abuse; or engage in any form of harassment based upon religion, race, gender, sexual
orientation, disability or national origin or ethnic background.
● Lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize, deceive or vandalize.
● Use or possess of weapons or facsimiles of weapons.
● Create fire hazards. Any tampering with fire extinguishers, sprinklers, heat sensors, smoke
detectors or any fire prevention equipment is a serious offense. Open flames are not permitted
anywhere on campus.
● Use alcohol, tobacco or other illegal drugs. The use of tobacco, nicotine in any form, alcohol,
drugs and/or any mind or mood-altering substance not in compliance with current state and
federal law disrupts the educational process of the school; interferes with the intellectual, social
and spiritual development of our students; and undermines the morale of the entire school
community. Students may not purchase, distribute and/or use alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs or
substances. Paraphernalia associated with any of the above, including cigarettes, e-cigarettes
and vaporizers by students on or around our campuses is not permitted.
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● Additionally, all prescription drugs must registered in the health center; the nurse will develop a
distribution protocol for each student. Prescription drugs may not be shared or distributed
among students. Students are strictly prohibited from engaging in any of the activities listed
above and from engaging with any of the substances or paraphernalia and devices listed above.
o Ransom Everglades School reserves the right to require any student to submit to a
drug-screening test. Such testing may required to be performed either on campus or by a
testing center selected by the school with the test results to be sent to both the school and
the parents. The school complies with all applicable laws regarding alcohol, drug use,
testing and related issues.
o Alcohol and minors: Florida law makes it illegal for anyone to give, sell or serve alcohol
to any person under the age of 21. Any adult who does so may face civil and criminal
liability. This law even applies to children in the home of their parents, whether or not
the parents are present. Florida police can immediately suspend the driver’s license of
anyone arrested for driving under the influence. Party hosts must ensure that guests are
of legal drinking age and that they do not drive after drinking. Parents are reminded of
the clause in the enrollment contract for Ransom Everglades declaring that failure to
comply with Florida laws prohibiting the serving of alcohol to minors and and/or
knowingly allowing the distribution of alcohol in a residence under one’s control may
terminate the student’s right to attend the school.
The school’s commitment to the character development of every student is the core principle of the
Honor and Discipline Policies. The school ensures that the ethical and moral development of each
student is incorporated into school life by promoting core values of honor, personal integrity,
responsible citizenship, self-discipline, maturity and respect for individual differences. Accordingly, a
structured, graduated and age-appropriate approach to disciplinary consequences allows students to
learn from their mistakes while preserving community norms and keeping all members of the
community safe.
Disciplinary responses are determined by the school for each violation of school rules and policies. The
school’s disciplinary rules, policies and procedures described in this handbook are to help ensure that
consequences are predictable and clearly understood by the school community. Any egregious or
threatening misconduct or repeated violation is incompatible with the school’s mission and philosophy,
and may result in immediate separation or termination.
While Ransom Everglades does not seek to control the off-campus or private lives of its students, any
student behavior that might compromise the safety or welfare of others may result in a full disciplinary
review with all sanctions considered. If a case arises in which a student’s behavior on or off-campus
constitutes dangerous, threatening or disrespectful behavior toward the community or a member of the
community, the student may be subject to disciplinary action including suspension, expulsion or
revocation of the enrollment contract.
Implementation of the school’s Honor and Discipline Policies through the establishment of the
operating rules and procedures is the responsibility of the Head of School.