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Roberts Space Industries ®

Red Skull Corp. / REDSK

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——————- RED SKULL CORP. ———————-

“We thought they were coming to save us… We were wrong !”

In a Era where everything has a price, The Red Skull Corp. is fighting for the highest price…
The 6 Section of the Red Skull Corp are listening to you…

Welcome on Board !



January 2947 : Pledge planned, First goal and orientations made… Still Hiring !

October 2946 : Discord Available, Missions created, Hiring more members.

September 2946 : Development & Game advancement, Organization’s ID, Rules & Charter. Managing the first goals and the Organization


Winter 2845, the embargo is wreaking havoc in the Hadur system, the pressure is mounting and the tensions against the EEU are gradually intensifying.

Inites mobilized, wishing to escape the Vanduul invasion, they decided to start from the Hadur system to find a better future.
To cross an enemy fleet was not part of their plan.

Summer 2848, Prisoners of War and Tortured to death, a Red Skull was the mark of their redemption.
Luckily, the UEE fought and during a crash in the Pelle system, the initiates escaped …

Year 2856, When they returned to the original system to find their family, everything had disappeared …
They went to find the Xi’an which gave them access to certain advanced technologies.

Year 2891, the EEU set up a new technology research system, Red Skull Corp. infiltrated the project to learn more about the government’s advances.

Year 2928, Participation in the rise of Kelos Costigan, new Imperator … La Red Skull Corp. is suspected of corruption …

Year 2930, Red Skull Corp. prefers to calm down the game and down to the rank of anonymous to prepare for future operations.

January 2942, During an assault against an advanced base Vanduul, the badge of the Skull red resurfaced. An inquiry is opened …

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The Red Skull are now gathered …

The Red Skull Leaders
They make decisions on the objectives of the Corporation

The Red Skull Hunters
What does not kill us will make us stronger ….

The Red Skull Seekers
The unknown is not a limit …

The Red Skull Industry
Where the law ends begins their work …

The Red Skull Lawyers
They will tell us if we have to save you … or not …!

The Red Skull Soldiers
Succession is assured, a red skull to identify them.

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Want to join this community?
Or just call on our services?

Lets talk on the Forum or Ingame to talk about it … Discord Available.

Good game everyone,

Iconocast, Leader of the Red Skull Corp



Our motivation comes from the amount you are willing to pay …
We are the actors who act in the shadow …

Red Skull Corp recruits

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4 Red Skull Leaders
They make decisions on the objectives of the Corporation

2 Red Skull Hunters
What does not kill us will make us stronger ….

1 Red Skull Seekers
The unknown is not a limit …

4 Red Skull Industry
Where the law ends begins their work …

2 Red Skull Lawyers
They will tell us if we have to save you …. or not…!

10 Red Skull Soldiers
Be a living legend or die trying …

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All roles are defined on our Forum.
The missions will be assigned to the most able to fulfill them.
Insurance and Guarantee.

Do not be afraid of death, it is yours …

This message is addressed to all excluded from the UEE, join us …

Leader of the Red Skull Corp.*


——- N’ayez pas peur de la mort, elle est de vôtre côté ! ——-

La Red Skull Corp se plit à un code d’honneur stricte et bien défini :

- Uniquement les personnes déterminées comme matures et responsable de leurs actes pourront rejoindre l’organisation.
(Entretien TS/ Discord au préalable)

- Nous revendiquons une organisation stable et efficace, nous agissons par honneur et dans un but uniquement lucratif.

- Aucunes actions ne seraient être menées sans l’accord du Leader et de ses généraux.

- Tout manquement au code de conduite de l’organisation sera passible d’un entretien et d’une sentence irrévoquable.

- Les contrats de Transports, Assassinats, Espionnage et autres sont soumis à un jugement du Leader et de ses généraux avant acceptation.

- Toutes communications en dehors du Forum de la RSC et des salons internes seront considérées comme externes à l’organisation et non recevables.

- La flotte de la Red Skull Corp. se soumet aux lois du plus offrant.


- Les rôles de chaque membres ont été défnis dans le Forum de la RSC et devront être respectés sous peine de sanctions.

- La RSC ne fera appel qu’a des contacts exterieurs qu’en cas de nécessité.

- Toutes Tensions Diplomatiques seront évitées dans la mesure du possible et suivant le comportement de tout à chacun.

- Afin de nous permettre à tous de faire connaissance, une brève présentation dans le sujet dédié, sur l’espace interne de l’organisation, est obligatoire, dès votre inscription effective.

- Chaque membre de la guilde doit travailler dans l’intérêt de celle-ci. Toute action lui portant préjudice sera sanctionnée.

- Notre communauté compte sur le respect et l’entraide de ses membres, ainsi que sur le travail de chacun afin de faire progresser la flotte. Nous devons tous apporter à notre manière notre pierre à l’édifice.

- Chaque branche dispose d’une chaîne de commandement qui lui est propre, il est nécessaire pour chaque joueur de s’y conformer.