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Roberts Space Industries ®

Robosane / ROBOSANE

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Trading

Robosane is a community that spans a variety of games, including Star Citizen. We’re cooperative and technical, welcoming players from anywhere.


Brought together by the common interests of it’s founders, Robosane made it’s name in the ‘verse after numerous successful ventures in the fields of mining, cargo, and logistics.

Our Founders

One of the original founders of Robosane now organizes cargo logistics and transport operations for just about any resource available in Stanton, including but certainly not limited to marketable plushies.
A leader in mining and raw mineral processing, he manages highly productive and efficient excursions for high value and high risk raw materials, with a perfect track record of zero (permanent) casualties.
A specialist in salvage acquisition and reclaimable materials, he can always find sources of new opportunities, even if he has to make them happen himself.
The initial investor who sparked Robosane to begin regular operations in Stanton and provided the earliest funding for the team to make profitable ventures, he now regularly assists in training new members and onboarding, even if it results in his Carrack’s cargo bay being filled with the remnants of what used to be operational ships.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate charter eventually.