Ravage, Pillage, Kill / RPK

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

Ravage, Pillage, Kill, [RPK]
Motto: Oderint Dum Metuant
Voice Coms: Discord


Quick Information

RPK is a gaming community looking to establish in Star Citizen. We are a PvP organization going back many years established by a handful of gamers. If you enjoy Random Player Killing or any form of PvP you will be most welcome. Feel free to drop in our discord and ask how to join.

Website: www.RPKers.com
Discord: Discord
*This site and discord are functional, however, under construction.

History & Achievements

  • RPK was formed as soon as SID Registration went live around Dec 2013.



Oderint Dum Metuant – Let Them Hate as Long as They Fear

Our Goal

[RPK] strives to be the most notorious pilots whose skills are only comparable to the extreme flight precision of Matthew McConaughey in Interstellar. Our plan is to erect the biggest, most skilled fleet of pirates to ever grab SC universe by its balls.

Our vision is to be the most savage pirates in the verse, sighting an [RPK] in space can either be a blessing or a death sentence. After all we do live by our motto: Ravage, Pillage, Kill.


This is all mostly common sense, if you don’t like any of it tough shit its requirement of RPK!


  • Members are required to have RPK set as your main organization and not an affiliate.
  • Members are not allowed to harm, steal or adversely impact another member of our org.
  • Members must respect and execute all orders given by the chain of command.
  • Members shall represent RPK through their use of proper avatars, signatures and tags. This applies to in Game, RSI forums and any VOIP.
  • Members must honor any trades, ransoms, or tolls agreed upon by leadership.
  • Members are required to have and participate in Discord at all times when in game.
  • Any internal issues you have are not to be aired in public; IE: Forums, Discord, etc. Please raise them with leadership privately.


    Members are prohibited from joining other organizations while part of the SC Chapter.
    - Unless specifically ordered by leadership for some type of events etc.
    Members who are caught committing espionage against us will be removed and you’ll also never do business with any current member.
    We do not recognize any parties as formal, defensive, or full allies.
    We reserve the right to remove members found to be absent for extended periods of time from the in game roster without prejudice.
    All members who earn profit from RPK Roaming Events are required to donate a percentage from the haul.

Disciplinary Actions

We are not a very strict organization compared to others. However, failure to adhere to any of the above will result in immediate disciplinary action, which could possibly result in expulsion from the organization. What ever the leadership says goes period. This isn’t a democracy.