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  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

Let all that will hear her word come.

Let all that will heed the call join.

Let all that will pass the test be enriched by her wisdom.

Let all that will deny her guidance be cleansed.

This is the way of our Mistress

Purge, cleanse and be free


I come to, ringing in my ears, eyes blurry and trying to figure out what’s going on.

Then it all comes back and hits me hard!

This was supposed to be a straight forward operation, arrive on planet, search and find an artifact, then get off planet and take it to the buyer. Straight forward… It was going as planned until we picked up that damned relic.

Dylan was in the search party, he had laughed saying it was so simple, what could go wrong? As soon as he reached out and picked that relic up, everything went off like a bomb!

Out of nowhere, creatures appeared, flooding the cavern, it looked like hundreds of them. It was a fight like nothing I had seen before, these things didn’t care who was dead, us or their own. They just kept coming and coming.

We made it to the drop ship but we had lost over half the team. When we we emerged from the burial site we could see a fight happening outside of the ship, it was like a river of alien flesh being mowed down by the ships turrets and our remaining team on board.

Getting of planet now seemed the easy part. Out of a crew of thirty, only eight of us survived. Flying at top speed towards the carrier we could see in the void unknown craft, and they looked like it was a black locust swarm, a vast swarm and the carrier was getting overpowered.

There was no support ships left, as we came crashing into the hanger I saw the last gunship explode.

Exiting the drop ship was like a nightmare, bodies everywhere, alien and human, sounds of screaming and gun fire in the distance. As Dylan moved forward towards the bridge, a tall slender figure appeared, one minute the corridor was empty, the next in a blink of an eye, this thing was just stood there. I see Dylan fall and I take a hit to the head. Blackness…

Waking, I see Dylan talking with the entity, I could make it out, a female form he seemed angry. Then I heard her voice, low, calm and terrifying. She was asking Dylan to take the test.. I have no idea what that is. Dylan raises his hands up and slams something into his chest. He’s screaming. His eyes start bleeding, and I see him fall to his death.

She looks at me, smiles and then picks up the item. It’s the relic.

The voice is clear, but low, yet every word is crystal clear.

“Are you the one? Are you worthy to carry my mark?”

She makes it clear

Take the test, or suffer beyond reasoning anything I could ever imagine, when I look at Dylans corpse, her musical laughter fills my ears.

She hold’s out the Relic and I know what I have to do.

Taking hold of the relic, it has what feels like a rod but only a hands length with some sort of symbol at the end.

I lift the relic up and slam it down on my chest and like a flood gate opening up, my mind truely understands. Everything is clear and I know what must be done.

I turn to her smiling face, she takes hold of my hand and whispers

“Let us begin”


If you have heard the voice of our Mistress, then you are blessed!

Her way is all that matters, her guidance, always true.

Never doubt for she brings strength and iron will!


We shall find all none believers and purge them!

All the none believers things shall be cleansed and turned to the righteous path!

We shall convert the weak, her way is just, her will is unquestioned!

All that pass the test, shall be redeemed and all those that rise in her ranks shall feel her power and glory!

If you hear the call, come, take the test, for she needs all her believers none are shunned.

No destiny is to small, we will build, explorer, conquer and cleanse the universe!!!


Our Mistress guides us

Her needs are simple,

Claim what is rightfully her’s

Remove all unbelievers

Take all that is needed

Give nothing back

Fate is decided, all you need to do is take the chance

The Mistress calls all to serve


Bounty Hunters,




All will unite under her will.