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The Seraphim Affiliation / SERAPHIMAF

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The Seraphim Affiliation is a mystical fellowship dedicated to the pursuit of divine revelation and spiritual ascension. Under the guidance of their prophetic leader, Dystopia, followers delve into the depths of existential inquiry.

Awaken to the Divine, Ascend with Seraphim


Title: The Seraphim Affiliation: A Cosmic Journey in Devotion to Sleep


The Seraphim Affiliation traces its genesis to the early 20th century, when Gabriel Everhart, a visionary leader, embarked on a celestial odyssey that would profoundly influence countless lives. Born under the stars, Everhart’s magnetic charisma and cosmic insight led him to explore the depths of space and spirituality, drawing followers from far and wide.

During his cosmic travels, Everhart claimed a divine encounter with a celestial being he named Sleep, amidst the vast expanse of the cosmos. This transcendent experience ignited his vision of a community united in reverence for Sleep’s cosmic wisdom. In 1923, he founded The Seraphim Affiliation in a hidden sanctuary among the stars, offering a haven for seekers of cosmic truth and enlightenment.

Doctrine and Beliefs:

At the heart of The Seraphim Affiliation lies the worship of Sleep, a cosmic Seraphim embodying infinite compassion, wisdom, and tranquility. Followers are urged to forge a cosmic connection with Sleep through cosmic meditation, introspection, and cosmic acts of kindness. Drawing inspiration from the cosmic tapestry of the universe, the Affiliation emphasizes personal cosmic exploration and inner cosmic growth as the path to cosmic enlightenment.

Expansion and Controversy:

As The Seraphim Affiliation traversed the cosmic reaches, it encountered skepticism and controversy, with some viewing it as a potentially cosmic cult. Allegations of cosmic manipulation and exploitation arose, prompting scrutiny from cosmic authorities across the galaxies. Yet, Everhart and his cosmic disciples remained steadfast, affirming the Affiliation’s cosmic mission to unite the cosmos in cosmic harmony and understanding.


Though Everhart departed from this cosmic plane in 1960, The Seraphim Affiliation endured, guided by successive cosmic leaders committed to its cosmic principles. Today, cosmic communities of believers span the cosmos, united in their cosmic devotion to Sleep and their cosmic quest for enlightenment. While the cosmic mysteries of the Affiliation may remain unfathomable to some, for those who have experienced its cosmic transcendence, it stands as a cosmic beacon of cosmic serenity and cosmic enlightenment amidst the cosmic expanse.


Manifest of Dystopia


In the hallowed annals of time, amidst the chaos of existence, there arose a clarion voice – that of Dystopia, the Prophet of the Age of Unveiling. This Manifest is a testament to his revelations, a chronicle of truth unveiled, and a guide to those who seek enlightenment amidst the shadows of the world.

Chapter I: The Revelation

Behold, for in the depths of despair, Dystopia was chosen as the vessel through which the cosmos whispered its secrets. In solitude and introspection, amidst the ruins of civilization, he gazed into the abyss and beheld the truth that lay hidden beneath the veneer of reality.

Chapter II: The Prophecy

Dystopia, the harbinger of cosmic truths, spoke of the impending apocalypse – not of destruction, but of transformation. He foresaw the unraveling of the old order, the crumbling of false idols, and the emergence of a new era of enlightenment.

Chapter III: The Tenets

Embrace the Abyss: In the darkness lies the key to illumination. Embrace the shadows, confront your fears, and transcend the illusions that bind you.

Question Authority: Challenge the oppressive structures that seek to control and subjugate. Question the narratives imposed upon you and reclaim your autonomy.

Seek Knowledge: In the pursuit of truth lies liberation. Explore the realms of wisdom, both ancient and forbidden, and awaken the dormant potential within.

Embrace Chaos: Embrace the chaos of existence, for within it lies the spark of creation. Embrace change, embrace uncertainty, and forge your destiny amidst the tumultuous currents of the cosmos.

Unveil Reality: Peel back the layers of deception that shroud reality. See beyond the illusions of the mundane world and behold the cosmic tapestry that weaves all things together.

Chapter IV: The Legacy

Though Dystopia has departed from this mortal realm, his legacy endures as a beacon of enlightenment for those who dare to challenge the status quo. Let this Manifest serve as a guiding light for future generations, a testament to the eternal quest for truth in a world shrouded in shadows.


As the stars fade into oblivion and the cosmos echoes with the whispers of eternity, let us heed the words of Dystopia and embrace the unfolding mystery of existence. For in the embrace of darkness lies the promise of enlightenment, and in the ashes of the old world, the seeds of a new dawn are sown.


The Disciples of Dystopia


We, the devoted followers of the Seraphim Affiliation, in pursuit of cosmic enlightenment and spiritual transcendence, do hereby establish this Charter to guide our collective journey towards the divine.

Article I: Purpose and Vision

1.1. The Seraphim Affiliation is founded upon the belief in the celestial Seraphim, Sleep, and the pursuit of unity with the divine essence.

1.2. Our vision is to cultivate a community of seekers dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of existence, embracing the cosmic truths that bind the universe together.

Article II: Principles and Values

2.1. We uphold the principles of compassion, wisdom, and harmony, as embodied by Sleep, the celestial Seraphim.

2.2. We value introspection, meditation, and self-discovery as essential practices on the path to spiritual awakening.

2.3. We reject dogma and embrace open-minded inquiry, welcoming diverse perspectives and experiences in our quest for truth.

Article III: Rights and Responsibilities

3.1. Every member of the Seraphim Affiliation has the right to seek spiritual enlightenment and pursue their individual path towards cosmic awakening.

3.2. Members are responsible for upholding the principles of the Affiliation, treating fellow seekers with respect and compassion, and contributing to the collective well-being of the community.

Article IV: Governance and Leadership

4.1. The Seraphim Affiliation shall be led by a Council of Elders, chosen from among the most dedicated and wise members of the community.

4.2. The Council of Elders shall guide the Affiliation with wisdom and integrity, ensuring adherence to the principles and values outlined in this Charter.

Article V: Rituals and Practices

5.1. The Seraphim Affiliation shall observe sacred rituals and practices, including meditation, prayer, and communal gatherings, to foster spiritual growth and unity among its members.

5.2. Rituals shall be conducted with reverence and sincerity, honoring the divine presence of Sleep and invoking its blessings upon the community.

Article VI: Amendments and Revision

6.1. This Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council of Elders, with the consent of the general membership.

6.2. Amendments shall be made with careful consideration for the principles and values of the Seraphim Affiliation, ensuring alignment with its purpose and vision.

In witness whereof, we, the members of the Seraphim Affiliation, do hereby pledge our commitment to the principles and values set forth in this Charter, as we embark together on our journey towards cosmic enlightenment and unity with the divine.

Signed and sealed on this day, [16/04/2024].

Prophet Dystopia