Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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SoulMates Free Miners Co. LLC Inc. TM / SMFM

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Resources

Make money, Make friends, Make business.


Once upon a time, there existed a simple path to the top. You would work, and that work would then earn you passage up the ranks of whatever structure you decided was worth the waste of your life. No longer. Times are different, and the path to the top now looks very different than it did all those centuries ago. At Soulmates Inc. we believe that the path to the top is no longer a stable position in a boring company crunching numbers or sitting in meetings all day. We believe the top is where true freedom lies. We exist to unite a family of freedom chasers into a corporate world that is built around them, and works together to achieve freedom for us all. Originally founded in 2945, the Soulmates IP has successfully united like minded individuals around the verse and provided a place for profit and camaraderie to reign supreme.


Soulmates Inc. exists to make profit. We are built around a rock solid set of ideals that are best represented by our motto: “Make money, make friends, make business.”

Make Money:
The most important function of a corporation is to grow, and the primary drive behind that growth is money. We intend to pour hard earned credits into the organization in order to fan the flames. Through our unique offerings as a business we will become profitable not just for the upper echelons, but for all who enjoy the benefits of being Soulmates.

Make Friends:
The second most important factor in the growth of an organization is partnership. We feel that partnership is just a lamer version of friendship, so to that end we strive to connect all members of the organization together to enjoy the company and good times, but also to support each other in the rough seasons of business.

Make Business:
You cannot conquer the world of business without innovation, so we are constantly striving ahead to what is next. How can we revolutionize our industries? How do we increase margins and decrease waste? These are all considerations at the forefront of Soulmates Inc.


Rule #1:
Soulmates is a casual corporation, meaning you don’t have to be top of your field to join, however roleplay is an integral part of how we make our business stand out, and as such compliance of the “perceived realism” will be conducted as much as possible, especially in public where good impressions are to be made.

Rule #2:
Good and professional behavior is to be maintained by all members.

Rule #3:
All suggestions and criticisms of the corporation will be considered by the board members, but the CEO has final say on all things.

Rule #4:
This organization must be set as your main organization. We are okay with other affiliations but unless you are interested in placing your full trust in Soulmates Inc. it may not be the right fit. (Some exceptions may apply, see internal HR for specifics)

Rule #5: We run off of the Honor System ™ which dictates that all inter-company payments, interactions, and transfers are to be seen through, action against this rule will result in termination.