Suicide Ninjas on Motorcycles / SNOM

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to SNOM. We travel the verse doing a little good, a little bad, and maybe a little both.


Operation SNOM, 2009. Since then it has been the place to go for all [REDACTED].

We have carried this [REDACTED] over many [REDACTED], starting at [REDACTED]. Then moving on to [REDACTED] online. After we played around there we continued to never die. We have lived through different [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].

now is the time to take a foothold in this quadrant of space and show the verse that SNOM is here and still alive and kicking.


See Charter rules #1-#3


SNOM Rules

This will be the rules that all members agree and abide to.

Rule #1 you will not talk about SNOM
Rule #2 you will not talk about SNOM
Rule #3 you will not talk about SNOM