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Free Workers Syndicate / SOCIALISTS

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy

“We are truly rich, way richer than we think: rich in what we already own, even richer in the means of production with our mechanical equipment, and the richest in what we can achieve […] if we would just use it to create prosperity for all.”
- Peter Kropotkin, The conquest of bread


The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an
uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary
reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.
In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society
into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. In ancient Rome we have patricians,
knights, plebeians, slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen,
apprentices, serfs; in the modern times, upper class, a small middle class, and working class; in almost all of these classes, again, subordinate gradations.
The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done
away with class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression,
new forms of struggle in place of the old ones. Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinct feature: it has
simplified class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other – Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.
The divide between the Capitalists and Workers, the rich and the poor, the have and the have-nots has just been increased by the advent of space age. Capital owners have new means to massively increase their wealth, they can build mega-cooperations spanning multiple solar systems with the power of an dictatorial government over the people residing in these systems. They use this power to exploit the working class, may they be human, tevarin or Xi’an, taking the fruits of their hard labour for themselves. Meanwhile the workers, without control over the means of production, are suffering poverty, and have their human-rights and freedoms taken away. Made to fight amongst themselves for crumbs to not direct anger at their exploiter who takes the whole cake. The human is made to believe the tevarin will take away his culture, an alien invader, so the workers fight among themselves instead of using their combined force to take down their exploiter.
But the playing field shifted. There always have been groups of people fighting against this system of oppression; but now, in this day and age, they are stronger than ever, while technology increased the power of the Bourgeoi, it did the same for us. WE WILL FIGHT BACK!
We have joined the federation by the “ Red & Black Coalition” with other leftist organisations, to fight together for a common goal.
Join your local Syndicate now or enlist through us!


Everywhere you look in this galaxy there’s injustice. Speciesism between Humans, Tevarin, Xi’an, Banuu, and even Vanduul. Racism amongst humanity. Every other form of bigotry, is it homophobia, misogyny, or others, lingers in every corner of the settled worlds. No one of us, the people of this galaxy, profit from that, quiet on the contrary: We suffer under it. So why is it still there? Who gains from spreading it?
There is an old strategy famously used by a general of the ancient Romans on earth: Gaius Iulius Caesar. The strategy is now known under the term “divide and conquer”; let the people you want to control fight among themselves and easily sweep up the rest. This strategy is now used by the Bourgeoisie, the class of people owning the means of production – capital ,big spaceships, factories, mines, and even planets – , to suppress the Proletariat, the class of people who need to sell their labour to their bourgeoi bosses, who pocket most of it’s value for themselves, just to get the basic neccesities.
If the Proletariat would work together they could overthrow the reign of the Bourgeoisie and capital itself, and live free and prosperous. We as a society have the means to create prosperity for all, if we would just work together and let the means of producing that wealth be communal property of all of society. That’s why the Bourgeoisie want’s to sow distrust among us, scapegoat parts of the Proletariat for the problems caused by capitalism, make us fight for crumbs while they eat the cake. And the UEE government with its military and the advocacy helps them as it secures their own wealth and power over others.
We say: “SMASH THAT SYSTEM! RISE UP AGAINST OUR OPPRESSORS! REVOLT AND FIGHT BACK!” This system cannot sustain itself; it needs people to be sacrificed. We will not allow it.
So, workers of the galaxy, form unions to fight back, use force to redistribute the fruits of our labour equally to all, attack the supply lines of the military and PMC’s. Fight back!
We will form democratic syndicates wherever we need them, those will communicate among themselves to redistribute resources and organize planned attacks on all those who want to keep being the oppressor. So join us, people of the ‘verse, to fight for a free society.


Here are our ideals society shall live by, see it as some sort of “constitution”.

Article 1:
(1) The dignity of any sentient being is inviolable.
(2) No person shall put themselves over the others. We are all equals. – So Homophobia, Transphobia, Misogyny, Racism, and similar kinds of bigotry have no place in this society.

Article 2, The Council:
(1) Day to day operations are decided by a council of ten.
(2) The Council is be the representative to other Syndicates.
(3) The Council is democratically elected every quarter of a standard year by the General Assembly.
(4) The Council is fully accountable to the people of the Syndicate; the people can always call for a reelection.
(5) Important policy / relations decisions will be brought forward by the Council, but decided by all the General Assembly via direct democracy.
(6) Other councils for managing economic or security affairs may be created by the people as the need arises.

Article 3, The General Assembly
(1) The General Assembly is the highest deciding organ in the Syndicate.
(2) Every full member of the Syndicate has voting rights in the General Assembly.
(3) Every member of the General Assembly can bring forward new policy decisions to be debated and voted on.
(4) Decisions are formed if possible by consensus finding. Changes to the Charter can only be made with full consensus of the General Assembly.

Article 4, property & economy:
(1) Private Property is abolished; everything that was Private Property is Communal Property. – This includes stuff like: housing, spaceships, resources, weapons, ammo, etc – Pledged ships are exempt from that rule
(2) Personal Property is to be respected. – This includes stuff like: clothing, personal items, weapons, etc.
(3) Everyone shall work according by their means and take resources by their needs.

Article 5, civic laws & duties:
(1) Reactionary actions are forbidden and will result in immediate expulsion from the Syndicate.
(2) Infringing on anything written in Article 1 will result in immediate expulsion.
(3) Antifascist action is a civic duty.