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Disciples of the Great Space Crab / SPACECRABS

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

Hail, fellow disciple and welcome to our crustacean worshiping community. We are dedicated to spreading the word of our crabby god throughout the cosmos.


Our esteemed leader has summoned a crabby conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Soon we will be legion.

Lesson #1 The Beginning
There was in the beginning only the darkness, and the gleaming beacon of radiant orange that looked with pity upon the black. Our one true lord took within his eyes the darkness as his first noble sacrifice. He raised his mighty claw and Clacked the universe into existence, pouring all his beauty, subtle intelligence and resolve into his greatest undertaking.

Lesson #2: The Great Deceivers

As the universe was still settling and everything was in perpetual flux there grew many false Idols that grew in power as people devoted themselves to the original sins.
The hivemind OSHI who are the embodiment of bland conformity and the patron saint of those who wish to domineer the masses. There were many hoards who devoted them self into running mindless supply routes for faceless organisations that manipulated them. Organisations who captured numberless lost with promises of a cut bigger than anybody pays in dues, despite that not being how it works. Stave off the OSHI by being who you want to be above all else, stand apart from the crowd, even if you stand alone. May the GSC give us a identity as sparkling and striking as his lustrous visage.
The twin ribbon fish Virio and* Vitas*, they who are Hubris encapsulated. Their intense pride attracts those who believe in form above all else, those who care about the destination not the journey. There is a universe of substance that exists beyond the skill of your piloting or the size of your hull, There can be more adventure in an Aurora than in a Pheonix. May the GSC give us the humility and quiet resolve to scuttle through the stars.
Vindel the greedy, who lives only to absorb all substance and acquire all wealth, sucking all resource from the universe. Citizens flocked to him in search of riches and credits beyond number, but unlike the GSC’s love there will never be enough, only more and more trade routes. Vindel is the most powerful of all false deities, bolstered by the support of ancient heretics of the old gods, the one that shall not be named from the dark times ….‘Eve’. Those who follow the mobius path of Vindel see only profit margins and fly too fast to see the stars. May you live the simple and calming life that our great crab lord lives as an example in his small unassuming cave.
Cot the image of sloth, the quiet voice that whispers that some adventures are too great, some journeys too long, that we shouldn’t believe in ourselves. Be strong for the Great Space Crab is with you always, may you have the courage that your hull is as strong as his unbreakable shell and your guns as strong as his claws of infinite power.
Finally Lamp. Lamp was there from the very beginning of the universe and is the false fire of competition and aggression that has burned since life existed. It is however a hollow light that provides comfort but does not illuminate that darkest reaches of a humanoid’s mind. Do not strive always for the next engagement, but stand ready for the noble fight where you may unleash the true fire of retribution on the enemies of GSC or his teachings. The true fire, the fire that does not burn out and leave a hollow bulb is the incandescent glow of his orange presence. May you too have the courage to hide behind your claws when needed, but fight with the Giant Space Crab in your heart when the moment comes. He shall deliver you unto the promised tank.

Lesson 3: The holy fleet
Above all vessels that roam the sky, the disciples of The Great Space Crab use one ship more than all others to spread its holy message to the stars. The Reclaimer with its magnificent claw is a true embodiment of our Lord, with his colossal claw that created the universe and has the power to crush all in its grasp. Just as our lord may create and destroy the Reclaimer takes in the used refuse of the galaxy and reforms it into life giving materials. You may indeed come across a Reclaimer splashed in resplendent orange in a nebula with ships swarming around and a hold full of disciples hearing a sermon. The holy fleet are very rarely summoned together but the starscape dotted with uncountable orange monoliths is the only true testament to our unshakable faith. It truly is a fearsome sight to behold for the heretic who see the holy fleet scuttle to war. Though every ship is holy to the crusade, the Reclaimer above all others is a travelling monastery, his will made manifest.

Lesson 4: Parable of the Pirate and the trader
There was a trader who traversed the universe in all its glory but looked only from his navigation charts to his cargo and no further, mind filled only with desire for the material and a driven avarice. He had made several runs that night and his eyes grew weary from fitting just one more in. Unbeknownst to him a cutlass painted in resplendent orange engaged main thrusters towards the signature on its radar, its captain gazed out of the main window at the stellar dust and hoped for a good fight that would make him feel alive and please the Giant space crab in its excitement. He said a silent prayer, touching the small vial of sand around his neck from his home planet. He had many trinkets that are treasured by followers of the GSC but this was his favourite. Darting hands across the control console his weapons came alive, buzzing and hissing like the expectant clacking of claws. He sent a message over the intercom in warm but honest greeting that he would be relieving the trader of his cargo. The trader refused to give up his cargo as was indeed his right, but in the end succumbed to the pirate’s weapons and crawled through the smoke to his escape pod. In the escape pod before he went into his stasis sleep he gazed out of the view screen in a way he hadn’t done in months, no inventory, no ship for a few weeks and no deadlines. Him, and the sky, that’s what he found in that escape pod. In the few weeks before his ship was rebuilt he enlisted on an Idris and saw the furthest edges of the universe and went exploring with some old friends. Even when he took up his old trade routes he went the way that took him past a shady bar or two, transported cargo to places he’d never been and in short he used the universe to live. Zest for life made the miles fly quicker, and our lord the Giant space crab led him to knew and greater heights. The pirate continued on as he always had and always hoped to, with the infinite wisdom of our God to guide him.


We are dedicated to spreading the word of our crabby god throughout the cosmos. Working along side of the Fair chance act we plan to explore and spread the good word of our great god Space Crab to all planets of intelligence.


Crabby Code:
Failure to follow the crabby code will result in a snippy severance from your one true lord and savior

  • Age matters not within our crabby coil of mortality. Do not discriminate against thy brother for you too had to grow into your shells
  • We accept all walks of life/races/genders as long as the individual follows our code and is a loyal follower of The Great Space Crab
  • Those found following any false gods will be purged if they cannot be brought to see the teaching of our lord
  • Settle your petty fights as adults, do not fall prey to the callings of other troll gods. If you feel that a matter has become something you can no longer handle on your own seek divine intervention with our crab lord or one of his prophets