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StarGo Logistic Solutions / STARGO

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Security

Welcome to StarGo Logistic Solutions. We are currently hiring candidates of all experience levels. If you are interested in the wonderful world of logistics or security, consider joining our ranks. Have questions or comments? Please let us know.


StarGo was founded by Admiral-Al in late 2953 after he saw the brochure for the Misc Hull D heavy transport ship. Working at his day job, Al was ready for something bigger, something more useful to the citizens of the stars. At first, he wanted to start a PMC group but realized that is a very saturated market. Having served in the UEE as a ground combat and transportation specialist, Admiral-Al decided to stick to what he knows best. Logisitics. StarGo is new and hungry for Transport and Security contracts of all types.


StarGo aims to be the leading org for all your Transport and Security needs. We offer small to large scale cargo hauling and vehicle transport across the verse, even in or out of combat situations. Our security division offers a comprehensive battery of services including protection of high value cargo, VIP personnel and highly trained ground forces for insertion and extraction of said cargo or VIPs. We prize safety and despise those who pirate from others.


Our Charter is simple. Seek to help others, protect them and their livelihoods at all costs.