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Starlight Systems / STARSYSS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Engineering

We’ve all got that dream we’re chasing.

In a universe of infinite possibilities, What’s Your System?



Founded July 2954

Starlight Systems was founded to give the ‘verse something more than it can shake a stick at. Our focus on maintaining the personal freedoms of our members while enhancing their wealth by contributing to their specialties and convictions has put us head and shoulders above the competition.

Built by officers from various organizations, backgrounds, and focuses, we’ve pooled together to set in motion something greater than each of us; a system of moving parts teetering on the cutting edge of what’s possible. From our industrial endeavors and focus on bringing our end users new and exciting experiences, to our self-funded naval ventures and exploration expeditions, we are the whole package. Each system moves with agency, but is a cog of a larger wheel that turns profit for every soul waving our banner.

So, ask yourself this: In a universe of infinite possibilities, What’s Your System?


Starlight Systems: A Manifesto


In the boundless expanse of the UEE and beyond, where stars are born from fire and darkness gives way to light, we, the members of Starlight Systems, declare our intentions, motives, and views. We are the heirs of a legacy forged in the crucible of interstellar conflict, a beacon of hope and freedom in a galaxy fraught with turmoil. Our path is one of righteousness, driven by an unwavering commitment to personal choice, self-discovery, and the spirit of freelancing. This manifesto is our declaration to the galaxy and beyond.

Declaration of Intentions

1. To Uphold Freedom: We stand as guardians of liberty, committed to the defense of personal freedom and autonomy. In every endeavor, we strive to create and protect environments where individuals can live, work, and explore without fear of oppression or tyranny.

2. To Empower Personal Choice: We believe in the sanctity of personal choice and the right of every individual to forge their own destiny. Our organization exists to support and empower those who seek to chart their own course, leveraging their unique strengths and abilities.

3. To Foster Self-Discovery: We are dedicated to the journey of self-discovery. Through exploration, innovation, and personal challenge, we encourage our members to uncover their true potential and realize their dreams.

Motives and Views

1. Embrace the Spirit of Freelancing: At our core, we are freelancers—independent, resourceful, and driven by the spirit of adventure. We embrace the diverse talents and skills of our members, encouraging them to pursue their passions and leverage their expertise in service of the greater good.

2. Forge Your Own Path: We believe that every individual has the right and the capacity to forge their own path. Whether through pioneering new technologies, exploring uncharted territories, or engaging in daring missions, we support those who take bold steps to shape their futures.

3. Champion of Righteous Causes: Our legacy, birthed from the righteous fury of old fires, guides us to champion just and noble causes. We align ourselves with those who fight for justice, defend the oppressed, and strive for the betterment of all sentient beings.

4. Innovation and Excellence: We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Our history of innovation, from advanced combat techniques to groundbreaking approaches to commercial endeavors, reflects our relentless pursuit of excellence. We seek to inspire and lead by example, demonstrating the power of human ingenuity.

5. Community and Solidarity: While we celebrate individualism, we also recognize the strength of community. We stand together, united by shared values and a common purpose. Our solidarity is our strength, and together we are capable of achieving the extraordinary.

Starlight Systems is more than an organization; it is a way of life. We are the torchbearers of freedom, the pioneers of personal choice, and the champions of self-discovery. Our journey is one of continuous exploration and unwavering commitment to our principles. As we navigate the infinite expanse of space, we carry with us the legacy of our founders and the righteous fire that has always defined us.

In the spirit of freelancing, we call upon all who share our vision to join us. Together, we will forge a future where every individual has the freedom to explore, discover, and shine among the stars.

Birthed from Fire, Shining Among the Stars

Starlight Systems


Starlight Systems Charter


We, the members of Starlight Systems, unite under this charter to establish the principles, rules, and guidelines that shall govern our actions and interactions. This document is a testament to our commitment to freedom, personal choice, and the pursuit of excellence. Through these rules, we seek to foster a community where every individual can thrive and contribute to our collective success.

Article I: Core Principles

1. Freedom and Autonomy – Every member has the right to freedom of thought, speech, and action, provided these do not infringe upon the rights of others. – Members shall respect the autonomy of their peers, supporting their right to forge their own paths.

2. Personal Responsibility – Members are expected to take personal responsibility for their actions and decisions. – Self-sufficiency and accountability are paramount; members must strive to be reliable and dependable.

3. Integrity and Honesty – Members shall conduct themselves with integrity, maintaining honesty in all dealings. – Transparency and truthfulness are essential in fostering trust within our community.

Article II: Conduct and Behavior

1. Respect and Inclusivity – Members shall treat each other with respect and dignity, valuing the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives. – Discrimination, harassment, or any form of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

2. Collaboration and Support – Members are encouraged to collaborate and support one another, sharing knowledge and resources for mutual benefit. – The spirit of teamwork and cooperation is fundamental to our success.

3. Conflict Resolution – Conflicts shall be addressed constructively and respectfully, seeking amicable solutions. – Mediation and dialogue are preferred methods for resolving disputes.

Article III: Operational Guidelines

1. Commitment to Excellence – Members shall strive for excellence in all endeavors, continually seeking to improve their skills and knowledge. – Innovation and creativity are highly valued, and members are encouraged to push the boundaries of what is possible.

2. Ethical Practices – All activities and operations shall be conducted ethically, adhering to the highest standards of conduct. – Members must avoid conflicts of interest and act in the best interests of Starlight Systems and its community.

3. Safety and Security – The safety and security of members are paramount. All operations must prioritize the well-being of individuals and the integrity of our missions. – Members shall follow established protocols and guidelines to ensure safe practices.

Article IV: Membership and Participation

1. Membership Eligibility – Membership is open to all individuals who share the values and principles of Starlight Systems. – Prospective members must undergo a vetting process to ensure alignment with our core principles.

2. Rights and Responsibilities – Members have the right to participate in decision-making processes, propose initiatives, and contribute to the community. – Members are responsible for upholding the charter and contributing positively to the organization.

3. Disciplinary Actions – Violations of the charter shall be addressed through a fair and transparent disciplinary process. – Consequences for violations may include warnings, suspension, or expulsion from Starlight Systems, depending on the severity of the infraction.

Article V: Governance and Leadership

1. Leadership Structure – Starlight Systems shall be governed by a council of elected leaders who exemplify our core principles and values. – Leadership positions are open to all members, with elections held periodically to ensure democratic governance.

2. Decision-Making Processes – Major decisions shall be made through a democratic process, involving the input and votes of all members. – The council shall facilitate decision-making, ensuring transparency and inclusivity.

3. Accountability and Transparency – Leaders are accountable to the members and must operate with transparency and openness. – Regular reports and updates on organizational activities and decisions shall be provided to the membership.

This charter represents the collective will and commitment of the members of Starlight Systems. By adhering to these rules and principles, we aim to build a community that is strong, united, and capable of achieving greatness. Together, we shall continue to explore the cosmos, forge our own paths, and shine among the stars.


The Founders and Members of Starlight Systems

Sexcalibur Khrowe