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District Defense / STRICT

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

At the District, we believe in Justice for All.



For millennia, Presidents and Cabinets of time gone by ruled over the strongest nation in the world. With time, came decay. As millennia passed, the once prosperous nation was faced with starving citizens, global famine and global war. The District, seat of power where all decisions came to be, started to lose it’s identity. It’s citizens were turning on each other. Fighting over morsels of food, shelter and the right to life. Civil war within the District was imminent. A better way of life had to exist for it’s citizens.

The District Defense was created. A last stand hope to protect all citizens, not just the powerful or elite. The District Defense mission was born.

An idea was born. The last chance for survival.

Our mission began. To save the District Citizens. The citizens of the District longed for refuge from a crumbling empire, crumbling economic restrictions and foreboding infrastructure. The world as we knew it, was dying. The fabric of society was being ripped apart. Escape to the stars was our only chance at surviving.

With the power of a once fearless nation behind it, the District Defense had it’s last and final mission orders. To go into the stars. It pulled individuals from various backgrounds and nationalities. Together, with the might of the Department of Defense, Defense Contractors, Civilians in the Medical world, Scientific and Spiritual realms and Logistical Operators, the District Defense mission was underway.

Once we arrived in the stars, life wasn’t easy. We had to explore, salvage. We had to mine and learn to trade resources. We created partnerships and we made enemies. We had to fight. We fought on land. We fought in the skies. We would win more battles. We would defend our citizens, old and young. We are victorious.

District Defense, birthed from the dying soul of a time gone by, had one mission. To ensure an equal opportunity of life while in the pursuit of happiness.


To ensure every citizen has an equal opportunity of life while in the pursuit of happiness.

We will work together and ensure safe travels for star faring citizens.

We will work together to ensure the safe harbor of logistical transports.

We will save and revive citizens in need of medical attention.

We will fight and secure our operational district, with the full might of the District Defense.


What is the District Defense?

To you, it’s a place to have engaging space adventures with like minded individuals. It’s a fun, upbeat atmosphere with military style structure and organization.

How do we make our money?

We do it together, our fighters will secure our miners. Our fighters will secure our salvagers. We will split the profits accordingly.

What else will I receive as a District Defense Operator?

Extra bonuses for those that show up and show out. For those that live our vision.

Whose in charge?

There is a clear command structure that will be followed.

The Commander has final say in all matters. This position is held by Savag3ly. However, he will hear all opinions and give everyone an opportunity to have their voice heard. As a savage negotiator and mediator, do not be afraid to bring concerns to him.

The LT. Commander is second in command. This position is held by ——. The LT. Commander maintains organization and structure of the District Defense. The Lt. Commander will be responsible for safeguarding the Districts funds and auditing payouts to members.

Lieutenants maintain operational readiness for their squadrons. They will be your direct leader and should be the first point of contact before the LT. Commander or Commander.

Master Chief Petty Officers are your squadron leaders. They make sure you have what you need, when you need it. They will train you and lead you to success.

Petty Officers are there for your support. If you feel a matter is to small for the MC, go to your Petty Officer. They may lead squadrons in the absence of an MC. They will ensure you have what you need for a successful operation.

Starman, this is you. This is where we all started. The Starman is the backbone of the District Defense. Without our Starmen, we would never succeed. We will do whatever it takes, to make you successful. We will train you, provide armor, provide transportation, provide you with direct mission intelligence to ensure you command and conquer every engagement you enter in the name of District Defense.

Would you like to know more? Contact us on Discord for more information!