Ragebacon Industries / SUBDREDDIT

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

None of us is as bad as all of us


Ragebacon Industries is the Star Citizen presence of Subdreddit, a gaming community that originates within the Eve Online universe. More specifically, we were the Test Alliance corporation for Dust 514. As a community of mostly more mature people we created a place where most of the antisocial behavior seen in the gaming world was simply not tolerated. When we started to lose interest in the game that we originally formed around we realized we enjoyed playing games with each other more than we enjoyed any particular game, so we stuck together while waiting for the next big thing. Some of us are hoping / expecting that Star Citizen will be it, especially now that we can use it to get our space marine on again.

Don’t let this make you think we’re super serious. We’re the opposite of serious. While we may try to be good at games, we recognize that we were all once bad at whatever game we’re playing and laugh at our own mistakes. The principle that created this approach to gaming is the appreciation and support of new players, or as we call them “newbros”. Abusing a newbro is one of the greatest sins you can commit in Subdreddit. We have one simple rule: don’t be a dick. That means no racism, no sexism. Acting in any way that discourages other members from logging in and playing with us is not tolerated. We’re here to play games with friends, and if you get in the way of that you’re gone.

As a group we don’t have any specific plans for how we are going to play Star Citizen. Some of our members are very interested in exploration and mining, others will be really into the more nefarious lines of work.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.