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Roberts Space Industries ®

Syngen / SYNGEN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Engineering
  • Freelancing

Syngen brings simplicity to engineering by developing appropriate solutions to engineering problems, using new or existing technologies, through innovation, creativity and change. Promoting advanced designs and design methods, to introduce new and more efficient production techniques.


In another universe our founder was flying in space on a high risk trade route when ambushed by local pirates that showed themselves at very inopportune moment. With few moments to spare he was able to pilot the cruiser to a asteroid belt, meanwhile multiple signatures were popping up. With all vectors closing a worm hole appeared not more than 30km off the port-side. Unstable and small it seemed to be falling apart as fast as it appeared, a course was plotted and minimal thrusters were fired to drift toward it. Targets still closing in, there was no time. Prepared, the over-clocked engines were ignited. With in moments the targets closed for interception. Shots passing by the hull and shield still not completely in range as the engines were bordering overheating … yet still operational. The ship drifted into the worm hole as it closed, sealing the way severing the main engines from the ship.

The hull breached and emergency bulkheads sealed forcing themselves into place with the now drifting ship in unknown space. A planet in sight with blue oceans was forming on the censors, caught in it’s gravity well the ship began toward it. Censors finally pinged back with the current position in space as old “Earth”. Confused by the reading and about 90 minutes before the atmosphere would tear the ship apart he looked at the old folk lore and history in the ships data base confirmed his inquiry. Although it was a lot different from the pictures in the data base. He looked up the history shown in earlier pictures. As he found a picture that showed the highest similarity he was astonished at the date. Millennia ago was this “Earth”. He knew that was improbable, unlikely, and the oddest set of circumstances he has ever encountered. He knew that he would be discovered and decided to remove himself from his “Pod”. Then removing his implants and destroying as much evidence of his trip through this worm hole including clearing the data base.

Preventing his demise the remaining thrusters crash landed the ship on “Earth” in a remote desert. Removing his seat belt he headed to engineering. Minutes later the power plant’s thermal cooling system was shutdown with the safeties removed. Moments later after jogging about two miles away from the ship, he looked back at the ship as the sun set. The power plant overheated and detonated in a monstrous fireball. A different outcome than he ever thought possible and a former ship, named “Proteus” ironically was showing new beginnings as a few rescue ships arrived and brought him into his old lost home in a different time.

Syngen was created with the focus to make your level of efficiency happen, this technology was easy to learn and a new organization was started from it. It might have helped to have a time traveling engineer at the helm too … or not. We can make it work for you either way.


Synergy and Engineering brings simplicity to engineering.

  • Honorable dealings for Honorable people.
  • Technological Knowledge to benefit our customers
  • Efficient Services to be rendered in a timely manner
  • Quality Engineering for preforming equipment.



are characterized by their ability to develop appropriate solutions to engineering problems, using new or existing technologies, through innovation, creativity and change. They might develop and apply new technologies, promote advanced designs and design methods, introduce new and more efficient production techniques.