Syntheria / SYNTHERIA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

Syntheria organization, avid explorers with great fondness for the unknown.


Syntheria is an organization all about exploring the unknown and transporting discovered artifacts or the occasional transport missions.

Syntheria was founded in 2215 when the era of exploration began. In this age, many explorers set out to discover the universe. Here among them was Artonn first in line with his Carrack named Bliss of Solitude.

The universe is a black sea of darkness, waiting patiently to have it’s secrets discovered – Artonn

Many versions and iterations of the Carrack would come as the ages went by, but the original name would always stay as a symbol of the eagerness to be in awe of the infinite sea of darkness waiting patiently to have its secrets discovered.


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