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Roberts Space Industries ®

Temple of Syrinx / SYRINX

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Scouting

Welcome my children, to the Temple of Syrinx. We encourage you to peruse our public archives. If you would like to join our new brotherhood of man, please seek out one of our priests.


Advocacy Organizational Dossier

Classification: Confidential

Name: Temple of Syrinx

  • Type: Cult
  • Operational area: Outer systems
  • Risk: Low/Moderate
  • Recommendation: Monitor

The Temple of Syrinx is a small cult, predominately on the outer systems. They enjoy a degree of popularity in these regions due to their willingness and ability to move supplies and information to these isolated worlds. While pirates do engage them, they seem to have an unusually high survival rate (and some known pirates are amongst their ranks) , suggesting some form of collusion, although at this time no advocacy agents have reported any formal agreements with pirate organizations.

Anonymous and embarrassing information leaks seems to follow local officials who run afoul of the temple. This suggests a large, organized, and systematic intelligence infrastructure, as well as a willingness to use it to forward their agenda. Knowing this infrastructure exists, it should be possible to co-opt it to disseminate an empire-sympathetic message, provided the priests find it also advances (or at the vary least does not run contrary to) their agenda.

The upper structure of this organization is unclear. While most cults would have a single charismatic prophet at their leader, this tends to lead to at least one or two bits of extreme dogma. All of the dogma of this cult seems almost as if it where carefully crafted to avoid anything that might push away potential supplicants. It seems unlikely that such a controlled dogma really comes from one High Priest, instead it’s likely there is some type of council making decisions. Unfortunately we can find no evidence of any organization structure other then the priests immediately below the high priest.

The ready availability of goods and information should limit their ability to spread to the core systems. Enough of a power-base around the periphery of the empire could be problematic if they where to become hostile to the empire, but at this time their dogma does not oppose us, and they serve as a buffer and early warning against X’ian incursions. Therefor we recommend a policy of monitoring, but not intervening.



We’ve taken care of everything
The words you read, the songs you sing
The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes

The downfall of mankind is becoming apparent, driven by the moral decay of indifference at the highest levels of the UEE. Even now on the periphery of the empire, our brothers and sisters not fortunate enough to have been born to better circumstances struggle to barely survive without access to the resources or proper medical care the core-worlds take for granted. Even what little they can scrape together is taxed by the empire, to fund the decadent lifestyle on the core-worlds.

It’s one for all and all for one
We work together, common sons
Never need to wonder how or why

We do not blame the inhabitants of the core worlds, be they citizens or otherwise, no! It is their leaders who suppress these hart-wrenching tales of plight. While parts of the stories of these struggles may be considered contraband by a government which finds it’s atrocities embarrassing it is essential we make the public aware despite risk. Enlightening the ignorant masses of the core-worlds and decimating this knowledge through any means possible is essential to the future of mankind.

Look around at this world we’ve made
Equality our stock in trade
Come and join the Brotherhood of Man

Such desperate situations lead to desperate measures, as such we do not make judgments about our congregants. Which is the greater crime, a starving man who steals a loaf of bread, or the baker who would let him starve? Indeed, when morality puts us at odds with the laws of men we too will be made criminals, so our temple is sanctuary to all who seek it.

Oh, what a nice, contented world
Let the banners be unfurled
Hold the Red Star proudly high in hand

In the end, these conditions cannot be permitted to remain. Our order is dedicated to providing relief to these poor souls. Food and medicine must be made available to our brethren. Their stories must be told to the ignorant masses, that they may reject the apathetic indifference of their leaders. We will set up congregations across the outer systems. These will serve as meeting places where our congregants can keep abreast of current events and where their help is most needed. Our temples provide sanctuary to all who seek it, and disseminate relief to the communities they serve. They also serve a vial role in enlightening new supplicants.


Temple of Syrinx Charter

Let it be decreed, that three-hundred eighty-four years after the rise of the first Imperator, having seen the depravity and decay, both moral and structural, wrought on humanity by the corrupt and glutenous aristocracy, the Temple of Syrinx has been founded. A beacon of enlightenment in the darkness, a shelter for the storm-ravaged, a hope for those forgotten. Let those ruled by avarice stand notice, we are here. To those who would join us, we ask little:

Non-exclusivity, we expect (and even encourage) our members to hold positions in corporations, the military, and government. The greatest method for reform, is from within.

Presence. We expect to see you at least once a year. Barring extenuating circumstances and arrangements made ahead of time, we will expunge from our active rolls any member who has not been seen in that time. This is not intended as a punishment, but Is merely for record-keeping purposes, as such if an expunged member returns and would like to be reinstated, they shall be.

Participation, all the temple’s operations are strictly voluntary. Participate in what you like, skip what you don’t. Many of our operations will be small-scale delivery runs to and between the outer planets, as well as scouting positions and sizes of forces. When other org allegiances put temple members at odds, members should target those flying the red star last.

Donations: Not required, but appreciated. Any donations will be used to benefit the temple as a whole, as determined by the council.

Governance: The temple’s agenda is handed down from the council of elders. It is a self-selecting body of the high-priests.

The charter my only be updated by a unanimous approval of the council.

(OOC: This is preliminary, and subject to change until we decide it’s final, or the release of the PU, whichever is sooner. It is here to make clear what the intent of our organization.)