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The Raza Ring / THERAZA

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Smuggling

We specialize in Exploration, Smuggling and some extracurricular “activities”.


As a result of the discovery of a rare mineral on a planet in 2790, greed and violence broke out on a nearby space station were commoners and miners lived. Private millitary corperations was established to control mineral-related operations, such as trade and mining. Its operations also include offense/defense, surveillance, biology, and engineering. Some citizen, tired of the regulations and rules, formed a secret union stating they would save money to buy a ship and go off the grid never again having to pay taxes to organizations or corperations, the union was called The Raza Ring or TRR.

The organizaton slowly but steadily lost their appetite for honest work, And almost 150 years after they part from their home station they have reemerged, now they mostly cruise around the galaxies looking for a opportunity to get richer.

The Raza Ring has a history of ruthless behavior when it comes to rivals muscling in on their territory, and it seems old habits die hard: They specializes in smuggling of contraband, slavesprofit and mercenarys for hire.

More than any organization, TRR represent the universe status quo. Their vision for star citizens future is the same as its present, but more so: an expansion of the Blackmarket trade, spreading the words “We are back” all across the universe.


We live and thrive in the greyzone, we neither black or white, villians or heroes.

We’re just like any other trade Union. We’ve got requirements. And if you want to advance in the ranks, we’ve got standards.



I. Age limit.
You must have turned 18 or older to join our Organization.

II. Mic Is required.
Each and everyone on TRR. Needs to have a mic properly working to be able to discuss strategies and/or orders.

III. Rock the Vote.
Every Chairman has a vote in affairs of moment. (But a good idea is a good idea.)

IV. Be Smart: Don’t Steal from the Organization
If a betrayal is between one and the Organization, We write his/hers name down in database, and space him/her, not in an inhabited part of space, but somwhere were no ships will arrive for decades.

V. Keep Battle-Ready.
To keep their piece, personal ballistics, and lasers clean and fit for service.

VI. Stand by your Members.
To desert the ship of your quarters in battle, is punished with death or spacing.

VII. Settle Disputes Onplanet.
No striking one another on board, but every member quarrels to be ended on the surface of decided planet, with ballistics. (The Headhunter-Chairman when the parties will not come to any reconciliation, accompanies them on surface with what assistance the HHCM thinks proper, and turns the disputant back to back, at so many seconds distance; at the word of command, they turn and fire immediately, (or else the piece is knocked out of their hands). If both miss, they come to their close combat weapons, and then the member is declared the victor who draws the first blood.)

VIII. Dont be a Deceiver. If any member shall offer to keep any secret from the Organization, the member shall be marooned on a deserted planet, or spaced.

IX. Remember: Rank Has its Privileges.
That every member shall obey his commander in all respects, as if the ship was the members own.

X. Learn we meen what we speak off.
Every member who shall offend against any of these articles shall be punished with death, or in such other manner as the TRR. Chairmen shall think proper.