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Guardians of the Girth / TICKET

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****Why be serious when you can be legendary****


Guardians of the Girth History

Year 2945: A Wild Beginning
- January 2945: The “Guardians of the Girth” were born from chaos. A ragtag group of UEE Navy dropouts, washed-up bounty hunters, and a few reckless pilots decided they were done playing by the rules. They banded together with one thing in mind: survival. But they weren’t just in it for survival; they were in it for the big credits and the bigger glory. Their motto? “Why be serious when you can be legendary?”

- March 2945: After a few misunderstandings with local authorities, the Guardians made ArcCorp their base of operations. With a mixture of charm, luck, and some well-placed bribes, they set up shop in the less polished corners of Area18.

- June 2945: Their first gig? Escorting a merchant convoy through a notorious pirate-infested region. Of course, things went sideways, but with quick thinking, explosive improvisation, and more than a little recklessness, the Guardians not only survived but earned themselves a reputation: they were unpredictable, wild, but always got the job done.

- December 2945: With word of their successes spreading (and their drinking escapades becoming the stuff of legend), the Guardians picked up more odd jobs—some legal, some not-so-legal, but hey, they weren’t picky.

Year 2946: Rise of the Misfits
- February 2946: The Guardians expanded their operations, taking on a few more colorful characters—people who didn’t fit anywhere else but made perfect sense in this band of misfits. Their team grew, and so did their reputation for being the crew that would pull off jobs others deemed “too risky” or “totally insane.”

- June 2946: Their success wasn’t just about being good at what they did; it was about their ridiculous, often haphazard style. They weren’t the most organized group, but they had something that worked—chaotic chemistry. Whether it was breaking out of a space jail or highjacking a Vanduul frigate just for the fun of it, they proved time and time again that if it’s crazy enough, it’ll work.

- August 2946: One particularly daring mission had them saving a UEE research station from Vanduul raiders. It wasn’t for the UEE, though—they were just after a crate of rare booze rumored to be onboard. They got their prize and the gratitude of the UEE… though that wasn’t the plan.

- October 2946: By now, “Guardians of the Girth” was synonymous with chaos, adventure, and some of the wildest stories in the Stanton system. If you had a job that seemed impossible, they were the ones to call.

Year 2947: Guns for Hire (and a Little More Chaos)
- March 2947: The Guardians decided it was time to make their talents available to anyone with enough credits. They officially transitioned into freelance mercenaries. The contracts poured in: from bounty hunting to corporate espionage, to “convincing” pirates to retire early. No job was too big, too small, or too ridiculous.

- July 2947: One infamous contract saw the Guardians taking down a particularly nasty pirate king. The plan? Disguise themselves as an intergalactic rock band, perform at his birthday party, and blow up his flagship. Needless to say, it was a performance no one would forget.

- October 2947: Between outrageous heists, impossible rescues, and some questionable nightclub gigs, the Guardians became legends. Not the shiny, heroic kind, but the kind of legends people whispered about in bars, with a drink in hand and a smirk on their faces.

Year 2948: Living Legends (Well, Sort Of)
- January 2948: By now, the Guardians of the Girth had made a name for themselves far beyond ArcCorp. Their adventures spanned the Stanton system and beyond. Whether it was stealing from corrupt politicians, liberating stashes of Vanduul tech, or simply blowing things up for the fun of it, they were in high demand.

- April 2948: They launched Operation Sentinel, a series of highly coordinated (but still very reckless) strikes against Vanduul raiders. The result? A lot of explosions, a few singed egos, and a nice pile of credits.

- August 2948: One of their more memorable gigs involved “liberating” a highly advanced starship from a rival mercenary group. They pulled off the heist with zero planning, tons of bravado, and a lot of laughs—true Guardians style.

- December 2948: With the galaxy buzzing about their antics, the Guardians celebrated their third anniversary with a party that reportedly lasted three days and caused a sector-wide blackout. They didn’t mind the fines—they’d earned more than enough to cover them.


Guardians of the Girth Manifesto

Our Mission
Let’s be honest: saving the galaxy is hard work, and no one does it quite like us. The “Guardians of the Girth” are a wild bunch of misfits, outcasts, and occasional (very occasional) heroes. We didn’t sign up for the shiny medals or boring military parades. We’re in it for the thrill, the laughs, and—if we’re lucky—the credits. We might not always play by the rules, but we always get the job done. After all, why be serious when you can be legendary?

What We Stand For
1. Chaos with a Plan (Sort of): Look, plans are for people who are afraid to improvise. Around here, we fly by the seat of our pants—and it works. Most of the time.
2. Loyalty: We’re not big on rules, but we stick together. Mess with one of us, and you’ve just signed up for a world of hurt. Or at least a well-placed explosion.
3. Fun First, Ask Questions Later: Explosions, brawls, and a good laugh are all part of a day’s work. We’re here to enjoy the ride. If there’s chaos, we’re usually the ones behind it.
4. Improvisation is Our Specialty: Planning is nice and all, but we live for those moments when things go sideways. When that happens, we don’t panic—we adapt (usually with a grin).
5. Weird is Welcome: Got quirks? Great! We’re not your standard-issue mercs, so we’re not looking for standard-issue recruits. Bring your weirdness. We like it that way.

Our History (As We Remember It)
- 2945: The “Guardians of the Girth” started with a few washed-up pilots, a couple of ex-Navy rebels, and a whole lot of bad ideas. After crashing into a few too many bar fights and managing to accidentally save some lives along the way, we figured, “Hey, why not make this a thing?”
- 2946: With a growing team of oddballs, we started taking bigger jobs. Protecting research stations, “liberating” a few things here and there, and making sure we left behind just enough explosions to stay interesting.
- 2947: We made the big switch to freelance work. Turns out people were willing to pay us to do what we were already doing—causing chaos and taking down bad guys. It was the perfect gig.
- 2948: We pulled off some of the wildest heists the Stanton system had ever seen and blew up more pirate ships than we could count. Somehow, we’re still here, and somehow, people still hire us. Go figure.

Our Goals (Or, “Let’s See Where This Goes”)
1. Keep Kicking (and Laughing): If it’s dangerous, reckless, or just plain fun, we’re all in. We’ll keep flying, fighting, and blowing things up—because why not?
2. Build a Bigger Crew: More weirdos? More chaos? Absolutely. The Guardians of the Girth are always open to those who aren’t afraid to live on the edge.
3. Stay Wild: We don’t do boring. From the Stanton system to wherever the next wild ride takes us, we’re here to make our mark, one explosion at a time.
4. No Heroics, Just Fun: Look, we’re not out to save the galaxy, but if we do? Well, that’s just a bonus. We’re here for the adventure. Everything else is just extra.
5. Laugh Along the Way: No matter how messy things get, if we’re not having fun, we’re not doing it right.

Join the Madness
Got what it takes to be part of the wildest crew in the ‘verse? If you’re not afraid to improvise, laugh in the face of danger (or at least smirk), and maybe blow a few things up along the way, then you might just have a spot with the “Guardians of the Girth.” We’re not your average mercenary crew—we’re the crew that makes crazy look good.

Guardians of the Girth: Why be serious when you can be legendary


Guardians of the Girth: Rules of Engagement (ROE)

1. Identification and Threat Assessment – Observe Before Engaging: Ensure all potential threats are identified before taking action. Use scanners and intelligence reports to determine the faction, armament, and intent of the target. Avoid unnecessary engagements, especially with neutral or friendly forces. – Use of Force Based on Threat Level: – Non-Hostile Entities: No engagement unless provoked. Attempt communication if the situation allows. – Unknown Entities: Proceed with caution, stay defensive, and prepare for potential hostilities. – Hostile Entities (Pirates, Vanduul, Known Criminals): Engage swiftly and decisively once confirmed as hostile.

2. Engagement Protocols – First Strike Authority: – If facing known enemies like the Vanduul, pirates, or flagged criminals, first-strike action is permitted to maintain the upper hand. – Against unknowns or potential enemies, Guardians must wait for hostile intent to be confirmed before initiating combat (e.g., weapons lock, targeted attacks, or aggressive posturing). – Escalation of Force: – Begin with verbal warnings if time permits, especially against civilian or lower threat targets. – Warning Shots: If a target ignores warnings and continues aggressive actions, a warning shot can be fired as a signal. – Full Engagement: If hostile actions persist, engage with full force until the threat is neutralized or retreats.

3. Civilian and Non-Combatant Protection – Zero Civilian Casualties Policy: The Guardians of the Girth are sworn protectors of humanity. Civilians must be shielded from harm during engagements. In convoy defense or public missions, prioritize protecting non-combatants. – Damage Control: Use controlled fire and avoid excessive collateral damage when operating in populated or civilian areas. If a situation escalates uncontrollably, retreat and regroup before endangering innocents.

4. Diplomacy and Negotiation – Words Before Weapons: Guardians are encouraged to communicate and negotiate when possible. Not every problem needs to be solved with a gun. Diplomacy can save resources and lives. – Bounties and Mercenary Contracts: When operating under a bounty or contract, follow the guidelines and objectives of the mission strictly. If capture is required, non-lethal means should be used. Killing when capturing is preferable may result in penalties.

5. Internal Disputes and Conflict Resolution – Honor Among Guardians: Friendly fire is unacceptable unless under controlled, sanctioned training scenarios. Guardians should always support each other in the heat of battle and avoid reckless behavior that endangers comrades. – Internal Disagreements: Any internal disputes or grievances between members should be resolved either through mediation or, if necessary, in a controlled, non-lethal duel. No personal conflicts should affect mission performance.

6. Piracy and Lawlessness – No Tolerance for Piracy: The Guardians of the Girth do not engage in piracy, pillaging, or any criminal activities. Members found participating in such actions will face immediate expulsion and potential prosecution. – Privateering: If a mission involves disrupting enemy supply lines or raiding hostile installations (as part of a sanctioned operation), this is acceptable as long as it adheres to the contract and UEE law.

7. Handling Surrendered Enemies – Accepting Surrender: If enemies surrender, they are to be detained and delivered to the appropriate authorities. Abuse or execution of surrendered foes is strictly prohibited unless they pose an immediate threat. – Prisoner Treatment: All prisoners of war must be treated humanely. Torture or cruel treatment is not tolerated within the organization, as this violates both personal honor and UEE codes.

8. Weapons and Ship Use – Standard Weapon Engagement: Members should follow protocol for loadouts according to mission type. Unauthorized weapons or experimental tech must be approved by command before use in field operations. – Ship Conduct: Fly smart, not reckless. Guardians are free spirits but never reckless. In combat, follow strategic orders, avoid unnecessary risks, and keep ships in optimal condition for future engagements.

9. Retreat and Survival – Tactical Withdrawal: No shame in retreating when outnumbered or outgunned. Saving lives is the priority. If odds are overwhelmingly against you, retreat to a safe position, regroup, and strategize. – Heroic Sacrifice (The Last Stand): Only when retreat is impossible and lives are on the line should a Guardian make a heroic last stand. These acts of bravery are honored but should not be the first option.

10. Non-Combat Missions – Humanitarian and Rescue Operations: Guardians will sometimes take on non-combat roles such as escorting convoys, providing relief, or conducting search and rescue. These missions demand the same level of commitment as combat, with a focus on protecting and aiding those in need. – Exploration Protocol: When exploring new systems or uncharted space, Guardians must operate cautiously, prioritize gathering intelligence, and avoid conflict unless absolutely necessary. Uncharted systems may host unknown dangers.

Final Remarks:
The Guardians of the Girth balance high-stakes mercenary work with a deep commitment to protecting humanity. Their ROE reflects this balance—capable of decisive, aggressive action when required, yet always aiming to protect civilians and uphold their honor as elite pilots and protectors.